DMPQ: What are the similarities between bhakti movement and sufism? (Medieval INDIA/ BHAKTI MOVEMENT)

There is a remarkable similarities between bhakti movement and sufism. This is reflected in the socio-religious life of the then era. Major similarities between bhakti movement and sufism are as follows: Element of tolerance is the basic constituent of both streams. They buttressed hindu-muslim unity. This can be testified by the number of followers from … Read more

Partition of India was inevitable and Mountbatten ensured that peaceful solution to the problem of Partition can be achieved. Discuss the Mountbatten Plan.( History)

After the announcement of deadline by House of commons that British will left by 30th June, 1948 all the processes for peaceful resolutions were tried out.    But all the solutions went in vain and Partition was the only solution left. For peaceful partition, Mountbatten was appointed. He gave the  Mountbatten plan for Partition. Features of … Read more


Zardozi embroidery is beautiful metal embroidery, which once used to embellish the attire of the Kings and the royals in India. It was also used to adorn walls of the royal tents, scabbards, wall hangings and the paraphernalia of regal elephants and horses. Zardozi embroidery work involves making elaborate designs, using gold and silver threads. … Read more

DMPQ- Arjuna penance

Arjuna’s Penance Mamallapuram   This magnificent relief, carved in the mid-seventh century, measures approximately 30m (100ft) long by 15m (45ft) high. Its huge size and scale is difficult to imagine just from photographs; a person standing on the ground in front of it could barely touch the elephants’ feet.   The subject is either Arjuna’s … Read more

DMPQ- What were the major reasons for the decline of traditional Indian handicrafts Industries after reaching zenith in Mughal era?

The Indian handicrafts that had made the country famous, collapsed under the colonial rule. There was a sudden and quick collapse of the urban handicrafts which had for centuries made India’s name a byword in the markets of the entire civilised world. During the first half of 18th century, India was the biggest manufacturing nation … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the causes of the failure of Humayun.

Division of Empire among-st his brother and thus weekning the position of king. Humayun’s inability to understand the nature of the Afghan power and Sher Shah’s deceptive trick. The presence of large numbers of Afghan tribes across the north India and their nature of getting united under a capable leader (like Sher Shah). Without getting … Read more

DMPQ- . Trace the origin of Drama in India. Also mention the regional versions of Dram in India.

Indigeneous tradition as well as modern research trace the origin of Indian drama to the Vedas. In the Ramayana we hear of drama troupes of women while Kautilyas Arthshastra mentions musicians, dancers and dramatic shows. Drama is a performing art, which has also been practised since times immemorial. Drama could spring from a child’s play. … Read more