DMPQ- Evaluate the Regulatory mechanism for bt brinjal in India.

Bt brinjal is the first food crop under evaluation for commercial release in India. Since its development in 2000, the crop has undergone rigorous scientific evaluation to assess its food safety, environmental safety, human and animal health safety and biodiversity. Rigorous scientific tests, including toxicity and allergenicity evaluation as well as nutritional studies on Join … Read more

DMPQ- Vesara style of Architecture.

These style is also called as the Deccan style as most of the temples of this Temple architecture style are found in Deccan region. Characteristics: It is a hybridized style formed by combining features of both Dravida and Nagara Style of Temple architecture. This style had Spire shaped Shikhara inspired by Nagara style The Mandapa … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on Higher education financing agency

Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) is a joint venture of MHRD Government of India and Canara Bank for financing creation of capital assets in premier educational institutions in India as part of rising 2022 HEFA’s scope is greatly expanded to cover school education, educational institutes under Ministry of health etc.HEFA is registered under Section 8 … Read more

DMPQ:Give an account about the Iron ore reserve in India.

DRAW MAP Major Iron ore reserve are in : Odisha The ores are rich in haematites.India’s richest haematite deposits are located in Barabil-Koira Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube valley.Others: Sundargarh, Mayurbhanj, Cuttack, Sambalpur, Keonjhar and Koraput districts. Jharkhand 25 per cent of reserves.First mine in Singhbhum district in 1904.Iron ore of here is … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the Gandhi’s struggle in South Africa for the rights of Indian workers.

. The Indians in South Africa consisted of three categories—one, the indentured Indian labour, mainly from south India, who had migrated to South Africa after 1890 to work on sugar plantations; two, the merchants—mostly Meman Muslims who had followed the labourers; and three, the ex-indentured labourers who had settled down with their children in South … Read more

DMPQ-Light Combat Aircraft.

India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) together with its variants, is the smallest and lightest Multi-Role Supersonic Fighter Aircraft of its class. This single engine, Compound-Delta-Wing, Tailless Aircraft is designed and developed by ADA with HAL as the principal partner along with DRDO, CSIR, BEL, DGAQA, IAF & IN to meet diverse needs of the Indian … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on the Iqta system.

Iqta system It was a unique type of land distribution and administrative system evolved during the Delh Sultanate. Under the system, the whole empire was divided into several large and small tracts of land, called the iqtas, which were assigned to nobles, officers and soldiers for the purpose of administration and revenue collection. The iqtas … Read more

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