DMPQ- India PV EDGE 2020 focus on domestic Solar Manufacturing. Critically analyse.

To catalyze cutting-edge PV manufacturing in India, NITI Aayog, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, and Invest India, are organizing a global symposium virtually, ‘India PV EDGE 2020 The focus is on ‘Wafers and Cells’, ‘Modules and Production Equipment’ and ‘Supply Chain’. Solar deployment has been the flagship green growth story of the last decade … Read more

DMPQ:YuvaSahakar Scheme

National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) has introduced YuvaSahakar-Cooperative Enterprise Support and Innovation Scheme.  This is a youth friendly scheme which will attract youths to cooperative business ventures.  The scheme will be linked to Rs.1000 crore Cooperative Start-up and Innovation Fund (CSIF)‘.  The scheme envisages 2% less than the applicable rate of interest on term loan … Read more

What is the role of NITI aayog?

NITI aayog(National Institute for transforming India)  is a policy think tank of the Government of India to achieve sustainable development goals and to achieve cooperative cooperative federalism by enhancing the role of state government in the economic policy making and to make bottom up approach a reality. The role of NITI aayog will be: Bring … Read more

Give an account of following a) Hunter commission b) Sadler commission

a) Hunter commission: Lord Ripon appointed the first Indian Education Commission on 3rd February 1882. Sir Willium Hunter (a member of viceroy’s Executive Council) was appointed as the chairman of the commission. The commission was popularly known as Hunter Commission after the name of its chairman. The major objective of Hunter commission was to: Assess … Read more

DMPQ- What is the concept of Universal basic income ? Critically evaluate it’s viability for India.

Universal Basic Income is a radical and compelling paradigm shift in thinking about  both social justice and a productive economy. A universal basic income is, like many  rights, unconditional and universal: it requires that every person should have a right  to a basic income to cover their needs, just by virtue of being citizens. The … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on deep sea mission?

Ministry Of Earth Sciences Plans Rs 8000 Crore ‘Deep Ocean Mission’ To Boost India’s Sea Exploration Capabilities. The mission proposes to explore the deep ocean similar to the space exploration started by ISRO about 35 years ago.The focus of the mission will be on deep-sea mining, ocean climate change advisory services, underwater vehicles and underwater … Read more

DMPQ: Why does make in India is essential for sustained growth of India?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Make in India initiative on September 25, 2014, with the primary goal of making India a global manufacturing hub, by encouraging both multinational as well as domestic companies to manufacture their products within the country. The initiative aims to raise the contribution of the manufacturing sector to 25% of … Read more

DMPQ:HGP Write project and significance

GP-write will include whole genome engineering of human cell lines and other organisms of agricultural and public health significance. Thus, the Human Genome Project-write (HGP-write) will be a critical core activity within GP-write focused on synthesizing human genomes in whole or in part. It will also be explicitly limited to work in cells, and organoids derived … Read more