DMPQ:What is bio dynamics? Explain its role in sustainable development and assuring farmers income. (Science)

Biodynamics a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition. Biodynamics is rooted to integrate scientific understanding with a recognition of spirit in nature. Around the world, biodynamics is alive in thousands of thriving gardens, farms, vineyards, ranches, and orchards. The principles and practices of biodynamics can be applied anywhere food is … Read more

DMPQ- What are the features of Khajrao temples?

Adhishsthana or the Base Platform – generally made of a solid block of granite laid out to hold the structure’s weight and also accentuate the temples upward thrust. Shringa or Central Tower – the whole temple structure is capped by an elevated structure that towers directly over the site where the deity is placed inside. … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Hoysala Architecture

The Karnata Dravidian tradition developed in the 7th century under the patronage of Badami Chalukya got matured under Western Chalukya (Kalyani Chalukya) in the 11nth century. The Chalukya style got perfection as an independent style under Hoysala rule in the 13nth century. Features:                Makartorana : It leads to the mantapa of the temples. It is made … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the climate of Japan. (geography)

The climate of japan is modified by insularity and also by meeting of the cold and warm ocean currents. It receives adequate rainfall from both the south east monsoon in summer and the north west monsoon in winter. During the north west monsoon dry cold wind from mainland Asia blows. But they gather moisture on … Read more

DMPQ- How are Smart Cities selected?

Selection Process The selection process of Smart Cities is based on the idea of Competitive and Co-operative Federalism and follows a Challenge process to select cities in two stages. In January 2016, based on the All India Competition, 20 smart cities were selected in Round 1.13 more Smart Cities were selected in May 2016 in … Read more

DMPQ: What is Coriolis force?

It is a deflecting force experienced due to rotation of earth. Because of Coriolis the air appears to turn towards its right in the northern hemisphere and towards its left in the southern hemisphere. The coriolis always acts in the perpendicular direction of the motion of air. It is zero at the equator and increases … Read more