DMPQ- Assess the reasons why the Six-Day War of 1967 was followed by the Yom Kippur War only three years later.

Israel’s stunning victory in the Six-Day War of 1967 left the Jewish nation in control of territory four times its previous size. Egypt lost the 23,500-square-mile Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, Jordan lost the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Syria lost the strategic Golan Heights. When Anwar el-Sadat (1918-81) became president of Egypt … Read more

DMPQ: What are the different types of Biofuels?

Some long-exploited biofuels, such as wood, can be used directly as a raw material that is burned to produce heat. The heat, in turn, can be used to run generators in a power plant to produce electricity. A number of existing power facilities burn grass, wood, or other kinds of biomass. Liquid biofuels are of … Read more


It is a e governance too which stands for Crime and Criminal Tracking network system. It aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for effective policing through e governance.  It is envisaged as a countrywide integrated database on crime incidents and criminals. It aims to connect all police stations, with their crime and criminal … Read more

DMPQ- What are the major causes of resource depletion?

Overpopulation With increasing population, demands of the country increase which further results in depletion of resources.     Over-consumption and waste As the standards of living of people improves, they tend to consume more and waste even more. Deforestation and the destruction of ecosystems Forests are cut annually, to make space for multiplexes, residential complexes … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the following: a) NABH b) UDAN

NABH NIRMAN: The government is augmenting the airport capacity of various airports as part of NABH (NextGen Airports for BHarat) Nirman initiative.The government in February announced a new initiative — NABH Nirman— under which it proposes to expand airport capacity in the country by more than five times to handle a billion trips a year.The … Read more

DMPQ: Comment on the rig veda economy. (Ancient India)

Rig Vedic economy was primarily pastoral. They domesticated Pashu (which included cattle, horse and even human beings), as opposed to Mriga, i.e. wild animals. Cattle was synonymous with wealth and a wealthy person was called Gomat. Cattle was so important that the terms of battle were derived from Gau itself, such as Gavisti, Gosu, Gavyat, … Read more

DMPQ- Outline the division of Himalayas on the basis of regions from west to east.

Besides the longitudinal divisions, the Himalayas have been divided on the basis of regions from west to east. These divisions have been demarcated by river valleys. Punjab Himalaya: The part of the Himalayas lying between Indus and Satluj has been traditionally known as Punjab Himalaya but it is also known regionally as Kashmir and Himachal … Read more

DMPQ- . “ A large numbers of public and private lenders are participants in Indian money market.” Elucidate.

Theoretically any one can participate in the market. Yet market practices and regulatory pronouncements have placed certain restrictions on participation for each of the sub-markets in the money market. Central Government The Central Government is an issuer of Government of India Securities (G-Secs) and Treasury Bills (T-bills). These instruments are issued to finance the government … Read more

DMPQ: What are intellectual property rights? What is the need of IPR? List down the objective of IPR policy?

The goal of Non cooperation movement was swaraj. Though, the goal of swaraj was not achieved, the non cooperation movement had achieved lot of intangible benefits which have furthered the cause of national struggle. The advantage rendered by NCM are discussed here under: Wide spread participation: It reach among many sections of Indian peasants, workers, … Read more

DMPQ: Throw light on the contribution of Raja Todarmal in the development of Dahsala Settlement

In 1580, Akbar instituted a new system called the dahsala developed by Raja Todarmal; under this system, the average produce of different crops along with the average prices prevailing over the last ten (dah) years were calculated. However, the state demand was stated in cash. This was done by converting the state share into money … Read more