DMPQ- Explain why despite the plethora of social sector schemes for poverty eradication they have not yielded the desired results?

. The Government has well-designed schemes. The question is not about intention but that of implementation of these schemes. There was not a proper identification of the targeted beneficiaries. There is also a lack of awareness of these schemes amongst the masses, given their illiteracy and ignorance. There is also an absence of any monitoring … Read more

DMPQ- Comment on the current status of Technology and Innovation in India.

Recognizing the crucial role of technology and innovation in economic development, India’s policy makers have taken several initiatives to promote science, technology and innovation. Various schemes have been launched to attract, nurture and retain young researchers and women scientists in the field of scientific research. Some important achievements in the field of science and technology … Read more

DMPQ- . What do you understand by the Nagar Style of temple Architecture? How is it different from the Dravidan Style?

The Nagara style or Prasada style has become quite popular in North India. In this style, it is common to build a temple on a stone platform and unlike South Indian temples, these temples don’t have boundary walls or gateways. Earlier, there was only one shikhara built but as time passed, the complexities also increased … Read more

DMPQ- Solar energy can be developed as an alternative to the conventional source of energy. Comment

India’s geographical location of it being in tropical zone make it potent solar energy power house. As per Ministry of New and Renewable Energy or MNRE with about 300 clear and sunny days in a year, the calculated solar energy incidence on India’s land area is about 5000 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year. Solar Energy … Read more

DMPQ- Illustrate the Administrative and Judicial Reforms by Lord William Bentick in British India.

Administrative and Judicial Reforms: The administrative structure of British India had been given shape by Cornwallis. But since the days of Cornwallis the company had made great advances, and defects in that structure became apparent as it had not kept pace with the advance. The judicial system especially suffered from the three great evils of … Read more