DMPQ-Examine the growth of temple architecture under the Vijayanagar rule.

The temple building activity further gained momentum during the Vijayanagar rule. The chief characteristics of the Vijayanagara architecture were the construction of tall Raya Gopurams or gateways and the Kalyanamandapam with carved pillars in the temple premises. The sculptures on the pillars were carved with distinctive features. The horse was the most common animal found … Read more

What is ecosystem? Goods and services provided by the ecosystem are immense. Discuss

An ecosystem is defined as the structural and functional unit of biosphere consisting of community of living beings and the physical environment, both interacting and exchanging materials between them. Ecosystems vary greatly in size and elements, but each is a functioning unit of nature. There are two components of ecosystems i.e. biotic and abiotic. Ecosytems … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on the contribution of Sardar Patel in Indian Freedom struggle.

Sardar Patel, the architect and unifier of modern India, was not only a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi but also his ardent follower. Patel was a selfless leader, who placed the country’s interests above everything else and shaped India’s destiny with single-minded devotion. Sardar Patel was not only an organizer par excellence but also turned … Read more

DMPQ- “Currently Railway’s freight sector is possessed by many challenges” Elaborate.

. First and the foremost reason for this is the high cost of rail movement arising out of policy  of cross subsidization by IR. Passenger fares especially sleeper class are underpriced and  made up through increased freight fares. In India, passenger rail fares are highly politically  sensitive. However, this is also because of the social … Read more

DMPQ- Give a brief background about cripps mission. Mention the major features of cripps mission.

Answer. In 1939 the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow, declared India a party to war without consulting  Indian political leaders or the elected provincial representatives. This caused considerable resentment in  India and provoked the resignation en masse of elected Congress Party Provincial Governments in 1939  (which were elected in 1937), giving rise to the prospect of public … Read more

DMPQ- Cryogenic engine. (SCIENCE)

A Cryogenic rocket stage is more efficient and provides more thrust for every kilogram of propellant it burns compared to solid and earth-storable liquid propellant rocket stages. Specific impulse (a measure of the efficiency) achievable with cryogenic propellants (liquid Hydrogen and liquid Oxygen) is much higher compared to earth storable liquid and solid propellants, giving … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Extra Tropical Cyclone.

Temperate cyclones are also known as Extra-tropical cyclone where the term “Extra-tropical” signifies that this type of cyclone generally occurs outside the tropics with a latitude range between 30° and 60°. Characteristics of Temperate Cyclone (Extra-Tropical Cyclones) The Extra-Tropical Cyclones are storm systems emerging in the mid and high latitudes, away from the tropics. They … Read more

DMPQ: Sugar mills are facing some serious problems in the recent past. List down the       reason for problems attached with sugar mills. Why  performance of mills in peninsular India is better than that of north India?

Obsolete machinery Low productivity/ hectare Low crushing season Policies issues: Highly political sensitive commodity Delinking of sugarcane and sugar prices State advisory prices are very high Restriction on the use of bagasse and molasses. Energy generation cannot be sell out to others. Low per capita consumption of sugars. High input cost involved in sugarcane crop. … Read more