DMPQ- Explain why India introduced GAAR (General anti avoidance rules). Also mention the recommendations given by Parthasarathi Shome committee for GAAR.

Tax Avoidance is an area of concern across the world.  The rules are framed in different  countries to minimize such avoidance of tax.  Such rules in simple terms are known as ‘General Anti  Avoidance Rules’ or GAAR. Thus, GAAR is a set of general rules enacted so as to check the tax avoidance.  It empowers … Read more

DMPQ: FDI is good for a Country like India. But FDI is also not immune from criticism. Discuss the ill effect of FDI.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a company or individual in one country in business interests in another country, in the form of either establishing business operations or acquiring business assets in the other country, such as ownership or controlling interest in a foreign company.   Concerns with FDI:   FDI has … Read more

DMPQ- What is the basic Premise of Keynesian economics?

Keynesian economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to understand the Great Depression. Keynesian Economics focuses on using active government policy to manage aggregate demand in order to address or prevent economic recessions. Thus it focuses on demand-side solutions to recessionary periods. Lowering interest rates is … Read more

DMPQ- What is Cryosphere?

The cryosphere is the frozen water part of the Earth system. Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska. One part of the cryosphere is ice that is found in water. This includes frozen parts of the ocean, such as waters surrounding Antarctica and the Arctic.   There are places on Earth that are so cold that water … Read more

DMPQ- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was the pioneer of Indian National Movement. He was the political guru of M K Gandhi. Elaborate upon the contribution of Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

K Gokhale was instrumental Indian in bringing about Morley-Minto Reforms, which marked the beginning of constitutional reforms in India. He was an advocate of liberalism, reason free of passion and the importance of education in enriching minds. Gokhale’s idea of free and compulsory education was proposed through his Elementary Education Bill in 1910, and this … Read more

Quick Revision- Type of Missile II

TYPES OF MISSILE AND ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: Brahmos Supersonic cruise missile, BrahMos, is being developed with Russia as a private joint-venture. BrahMos is a multi-platform cruise missile enabling it to strike from various types of land, sea and air-based platforms. It is among the fastest supersonic cruise missiles in the world with speeds ranging between Mach … Read more

DMPQ- Owing to low growth rate, the government has taken some steps to improve the investment and consumption climate. Enumerate the steps.

Always keep in mind the following equation for writing answer: Overall GDP= C+I+G+X-M Measure to improve investment: Lowering of corporate tax rate to increase investment. Lowering of the repo rate by 135bpsc. To increase the access to finance. Easier of FDI norms. Most of the FDI is allowed by automatic route and others via government … Read more