DMPQ-Small and Medium enterprises are key to the economic development of country. Comment

Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are labour intensive, have the advantage of low cost of production and can make good use of locally available resources pushing demand and growth. The sector offers a wide range of employment opportunities and absorbs most of the working age population. Majorly consists of handlooms, handicrafts, coir, sericulture, khadi and … Read more

DMPQ- Short note on Alipore bomb case. ( HISTORY)

The ‘Alipore Bomb Case’ was “the first state trial of any magnitude in India”. The British Government arrested Sri Aurobindo, a prominent Nationalist Leader at the time, Barindra Ghose, and many young revolutionaries. They were charged with “Conspiracy” or “waging war against the King” – the equivalent of high treason and punishable with death by … Read more

DMPQ- Poor representation of women in elected bodies is a major hurdle in Women empowerment. Do you agree with the statement.

India stood 149th in a 2019 list of 193 countries ranked by the percentage of elected women representatives in their national parliaments. In more than six decades till 2014, as women’s share in India’s population remained at 48.5%, the share of women MPs increased eight percentage points to 12.6% between the first (1952) and the … Read more

DMPQ-“The two-nation theory, which we had used in the fight for Pakistan, had created not only bad blood against the Muslims of the minority provinces, but also an ideological wedge between them and the Hindus of India.” Discuss the statement and explain two nation theory importance?

Two Nation Theory’s phenomenon basically sprigged up with the advent of Islam in the Sub-Continent. The sense was very unique about Pakistan’s creation that it was generally based on ideological commitments in the light of Islam. The basic concept behind Two Nation Theory was Muslims and Hindus was two separate nations from every expects, So … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Project CHAMAN.

The objective of Project CHAMAN is to provide strategic development to the horticulture sector, so as to increasefarmers income, a pioneer project called CHAMAN. The project is implemented by Mahalanobis is National CropForecast Centre (MNCFC)using remote sensing technology. Silent Features: Project CHAMAN carries out mapping of area and output of 7 horticultural crops in 12 … Read more