DMPQ: What was the effect of anglo-french rivalry on India in 18th century?

Anglo-French were two major contenders of power during 18th century. Both nation tried to achieve supremacy over other. The major effect of Anglo-french rivalry were: Three Carnatic war were fought. Subsidiary alliance at nascent stage was started. Respective power started to make alliance with Indians prominent forces at that time. Introduction of modern warfare. Dispute … Read more

DMPQ:What is Pet coke?

Petroleum coke or pet coke, is a solid carbon rich(90% carbon and 3% to 6% sulfur) material derivedfrom oil refining. It is categorized as a “bottom of the barrel” fuel.It is a dirtier alternative to coal and emits 11% moregreenhouse gases than coal and nearly 17 timesmore sulphur than coal. Petcoke is a source of … Read more

DMPQ- SATAT Initiative

SATAT initiative is aimed at providing a Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) as a developmental effort that would benefit both vehicle-users as well as farmers and entrepreneurs.  Compressed Bio-Gas plants are proposed to be set up mainly through independent entrepreneurs. CBG produced at these plants will be transported through cascades of cylinders to the … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on stem cells. (SCIENCE)

Stem Cells: Stem cells are a class of undifferentiatedcells that are able to differentiate into specialized celltypes. Commonly, stem cells are of the followingtypes: Embryonic stem cells – derived from the inner cellmass of an embryo and these are capable offorming any cell types of the bodyAdult stem cells – also known as somatic stem … Read more

DMPQ- What is ULIP (Unit-linked insurance plans) ? How does it links insurance companies with stock markets?

In recent times, there has been an increased preference of mutual fund companies as well  as insurance companies to combine the investments in stock markets with life insurance  plans, known as ULIPs. This need has arisen as there is very low penetration of life  insurance in India or lack of awareness of the need for … Read more

DMPQ: What do you understand by the term Privatization? Do you agree with the current discourse of Privatization of PSU?

The transfer of ownership, property or business from the government to the private sector is termed privatization. The government ceases to be the owner of the entity or business. Currently PSU’s like Air India, BSNL are loss making affair for long and there is a demand to privatise them . Benefits of Privatisation are as … Read more

DMPQ-Comment on the Public health care system in India.

The three most important features of the Indian health care system are: Low levels of public spending: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, total government spending on health was stagnant at about 1 percent of GDP, and the public expenditure elasticity with respect to GDP was at 0.94, lower than the average for low-income countries (1.16) for … Read more

DMPQ: What is the importance of regulating act? Outline its provisions (History)

The Regulating Act was passed in the British Parliament in June 1773. It was the first parliamentary ratification and authorization defining the powers and authority of the East India Company with respect to its Indian possessions.   This act permitted the company to retain its territorial possessions in India but sought to regulate the activities … Read more

DMPQ- DNA profiling.

DNA profiling is the technique of finding the difference between the satellite DNA regions in the genome. These regions are stretches of repetitive DNA which do not code for any specific protein. These non-coding sequences form a major chunk of the DNA profile of humans. They depict a high level of polymorphism and are the basis of … Read more