DMPQ- What is the purpose of Buffer stock? How does FCI (Food corporation of India) manages it ?

India  is  one  among the  few  countries in the world having government held stocks of  grains, for the following reasons: Buffer for meeting natural calamities Price stabilization in case   of   crop failures; Providing food grains under   public   distribution system. The government has buffer stock norms for different months in a year. At present, the  maximum … Read more

DMPQ- What are the different Types of Electrical transformers ?

Electrical transformers can be classified into different categories depending upon their end-use, construction, supply, and purpose. On the Basis of Design Core Type Transformer This transformer features two horizontal sections with two vertical limbs and a rectangular core with a magnetic circuit. Cylindrical coils (HV and LV) are placed on the central limb of the core … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on the fisheries and aquaculture infrastructure development fund.

India is currently the second largest producer of fisheries after China. To double the Farmer’s income by 2022 the government has created the Fisheries andAquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FAIDF) in 2018. Salient Features of the FAIDF: The main aim is to boost fish production to achieve the target of producing 15 million tonnes of fishproduction … Read more

DMPQ- Comment on the utility of recently launched satellite GSAT-30.

India’s latest communication satellite GSAT-30 was successfully launched from the Spaceport in French Guiana. With a lift-off mass of 3357 kg, GSAT-30 will provide continuity to operational services on some of the in-orbit satellites. GSAT-30 derives its heritage from ISRO’s earlier INSAT/GSAT satellite series and will replace INSAT-4A in orbit. GSAT-30 has a unique configuration … Read more

What is the role of NITI aayog?

NITI aayog(National Institute for transforming India)  is a policy think tank of the Government of India to achieve sustainable development goals and to achieve cooperative cooperative federalism by enhancing the role of state government in the economic policy making and to make bottom up approach a reality. The role of NITI aayog will be: Bring … Read more

DMPQ: Differentiate between Minerals and Ores

Difference between Minerals and Ores                     Minerals                              Ores All the naturally occurring substances of metals which are present in the earth’s crust are known as Minerals. Ores are usually used to extract metals economically. A large amount of metals are present. All Minerals are not ores. All ores are minerals. Minerals are native form in … Read more

DMPQ- . Throw light on the economic and political activities of Jaiprakash Narayan’s socialist party after independence.

. Of all the political parties that emerged immediately after independence the Socialist Party held the greatest promise. In Jayaprakash Narayan it had a leader next only to Jawaharlal Nehru in mass popularity. It had also several other brilliant leaders, for example, Acharya Narendra Dev, Achyut Patwardhan, Asoka Mehta, Dr Rammanohar Lohia and S.M. Joshi. … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the points in favour of nuclear energy.

Low Pollution: Nuclear power also has a lot fewer greenhouse emissions. It has been determined that the amount of greenhouse gases have decreased by almost half because of the prevalence in the utilization of nuclear power. Nuclear energy has the least effect on nature since it doesn‘t discharge any gasses like methane and carbon dioxide, … Read more

DMPQ-What is natural vegetation? Under what climatic conditions are tropical evergreen forests develop?

. Natural vegetation refers to a plant community that has been left undisturbed over a long time, so as to allow its individual species to adjust themselves to climate and soil conditions as fully as possible. Tropical evergreen forests  are found in the western slope of the Western Ghats, hills of the northeastern region and … Read more