Enumerate the difference between Himalayan and Peninsular drainage system?

  S.No. Himalayan drainage Peninsular drainage 1. Perennial in nature. Seasonal in nature 2. Both snow fed and monsoon n fed Monsoon fed 3. Voluminous Less voluminous 4. Very large command area Less Command area 5. Himalayan river exhibits antecedent character Consequent character is exhibited 6. All Himalayan rivers form delta at the mouth Form … Read more

DMPQ: Mention the application of Earth Observation satellite of ISRO

Starting with IRS-1A in 1988, ISRO has launched many operational remote sensing satellites. Today, India has one of the largest constellations of remote sensing satellites in operation. Currently, *thirteen* operational satellites are in Sun-synchronous orbit – RESOURCESAT-1, 2, 2A CARTOSAT-1, 2, 2A, 2B, RISAT-1 and 2, OCEANSAT-2, Megha-Tropiques, SARAL and SCATSAT-1, and *four* in Geostationary … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the Applications of Biotechnology in live stock and animal husbandry.

Biotechnology is being harnessed in various aspects of the livestock industry to hasten breed development for improved animal health and welfare, enhanced reproduction, and improved nutritional quality and safety of animal-derived foods. Artificial Insemination One of the earliest perfected technology is artificial insemination (AI) where new breeds of animals are produced through the introduction of … Read more

DMPQ-Department for Biotechnology and Biotech parks

The remarkable march of India into the world of biosciences and technological advances began in 1986. That year, government of india accepted the vision that unless India created a separate Department for Biotechnology, within the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India the country would not progress to the desired extent. This was because … Read more

DMPQ- Why did congress start individual satyagrah ? Throw light on the important characteristics of individual satyagrah.

The government had taken the adamant position that no constitutional advance could be made till the Congress came to an agreement with the Muslim leaders. It issued ordinance after ordinance taking away the freedom of speech and that of the press and the right to organise associations. Towards the end of 1940, the Congress once … Read more

DMPQ- . Evaluate the recommendations of nachiketa committee for financial inclusion.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) appointment a Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services  for Small Businesses and Low-Income Households under the Chairmanship of Shri Nachiket Mor,  member on the Central Board of Directors, RBI in the month of Sep 2013. Its prime object was to frame a clear and detailed vision for financial inclusion and … Read more

DMPQ: Industrial efficiency is a key to sound economy. In this contest discuss the key initiative taken by India to boost industrial performance. ( economoy)

  Make in India : This programme was launched on 25th September which aims at making India a global hub for manufacturing, research and innovation and integral part of the global chain. The GoI has identified 10 ‘Champion sectors’ that have potential to become global champion, drive double digit growth in manufacturing and generate significant … Read more

DMPQ- The 19th century began witnessing a growing discontent against the British rule in India. In that milieu Nationalist literature developed. Write some of the contribution of National Literature in freedom struggle.

The 19th century began witnessing a growing discontent against the British rule in India. This gave birth to an organized national movement. Inspired by this movement, there emerged a corpus of literature which in turn contributed to the growth and spread of nationalist sentiments across different regions of the country as well as among the … Read more