DMPQ: Applications of Nanotechnology in Health care sector. Discuss ( SCIENCE)

Nanotechnology has the potential to completely revolutionise all the three key aspects of healthcare sector-Diagnosis, prevention and Treatment. It can completely change the healthcare sector for the next generation. Nanotechnology will help medical professionals in today’s most excruciating medical issues, such as repairing of damaged organs, diagnosis and treatment of cancer cells, removal of obstruction … Read more

DMPQ- In the current COVID-19 crisis , the government is facing the issue of breaching the comfortable limit of fiscal deficit. What are the consequences of high fiscal deficit?

Fiscal deficit refers to the excess of total budget expenditure over total budget receipts excluding borrowings during a fiscal year. Fiscal Deficit = Total Budget Expenditure – Total Receipts excluding borrowings = Revenue Expenditure + Capital Expenditure – Revenue receipts – Capital Receipts of only non-debt type   Implications of high fiscal deficit on economy: … Read more

DMPQ-Vidyanjali scheme (GOVT. SCHEME)

Vidyanjali – (School Volunteer Programme) is an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy to enhance community and private sector involvement in Government run elementary schools across the country under the overall aegis of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. This programme has been envisaged to bring together people willing … Read more

DMPQ- What is AVATAR (Aerobic vehicle for hypersonic aerospace transportation) ? Discuss it’s signicance in boosting India’s defence.

.  AVATAR is a single-stage reusable spaceplane capable of horizontal takeoff and landing, being developed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization along with Indian Space Research Organization and other research institutions; it could be used for cheaper military and civilian satellite launches. According to the Designers, Hyperplane projects of the 1980’s – the X-30, … Read more

DMPQ- “Colonialism and Mercantile Capitalism were not only related but depended on each other.” Elucidate.

Mercantilism, economic theory and practice common in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century that promoted governmental regulation of a nation’s economy for the purpose of augmenting state power at the expense of rival national powers. It was the economic counterpart of political absolutism. Mercantilism contained many interlocking principles. Precious metals, such as gold … Read more

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms.

The British government, not prepared to part with or even share its power with the Indians, once again resorted to the policy of ‘carrot and stick’. The carrot was represented by the insubstantial Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, while measures such as the Rowlatt Act represented the stick. The reforms had many drawbacks: Franchise was very limited. The … Read more

DMPQ- Why Jute Industries are more concentrated in West Bengal? Also give an account of the problems faced by Jute Industry in India.

The main reasons for concentration of jute industries in WB are: Favourable condition for Jute production: Ample amount of water, high humidity and warm and wet climate. Secondly cheap labour is also available from Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha etc Hubly river also provide import and export of jute. Problem faced by Jute industry: Shortage of … Read more

DMPQ-Land reforms were the initial initiatives taken post Independence era. Discuss the significance of the Land reforms.

The Indian agricultural system was plagued by ills of absentee landlordism, tenancy. Land reform was thereforeneeded to break the shackles of zamindari systems prevalent since British raj. Farmers were made owners of theirland after which they worked wholeheartedly on their farms. Significance of Land reforms in India: Land ceiling to disburse surplus land amongst small … Read more