DMPQ: What were the evidences put forward by Wegner in support of Continental drift theory?

“Jig saw” fit- Wegener was struck by the geographical similarity between the opposite coasts ofthe Atlantic Ocean. The outlines of the two coasts appears to be the detached portion of theother ie. The east coast of north and South America can be exactly fit into the left coast ofAfrica and Europe. Geological structure- there is … Read more

DMPQ: In what way did the Permanent Settlement affect the peasants ? Discuss.

The Permanent Settlement or Zamindari Sysem was introduced by Lord Corniwallis in 1793. In Bengal, North Cauvery Delta in Madras Presidency and Varanasi division. It covered altogether 19% of the total cultivable land under company rule. Terms and Conditions of the System Zamindars were recognized as owner of the lands. Zamindars were given the rights to … Read more

DMPQ:Despite having large biodiversity in equatorial region, lumbering and livestock farming is still difficult. Comment.

The biodiversity available at equator is highly unmatchable and it one of the riches area in terms of quanta and different types of flora and fauna. But this potential is difficult to translate into commercial extraction as Lack of pure strands as compared to taiga region. Every inch is filled with different kinds of tree. … Read more

DMPQ- Analyse the Salient Features of Labour Legislations.

Social Equity Another principle on which labour legislation is based on social equity. Legislation based on social justice fixes a definite standard for adoption for the future, taking into consideration the events and circumstances of the past and the present. Social Justice In an industrial set up, social justice means an equitable distribution of profits … Read more