DMPQ- Point out the major factors responsible for the growth of modern nationalism in India.

The rise and growth of Indian nationalism has been traditionally explained in terms of Indian response to the stimulus generated by the British Raj through creation of new institutions, new opportunities, resources, etc. In other words, Indian nationalism grew partly as a result of colonial policies and partly as a reaction to colonial policies. In … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on Vaikom Satyagraha?

Vaikom Satyagraha was a movement in Travancore (modern-day Kerala) for temple entry of the depressed classes. It took place near the Shiva Temple at Vaikom, Kottayam district, Kerala during 1924-25. Vaikom was at that time a part of the princely state of Travancore.According to the prevalent caste system in Kerala and the rest of India, … Read more

DMPQ- What were the factors that worked in the drafting of the American Constitution? Do you agree the US constitution being an Economic Document?

. In May 1787, fifty‐five delegates from twelve of the thirteen states met in Philadelphia. Among them were George Washington (chosen as the chair), Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton. As a group, the delegates were men in their thirties and forties, many were lawyers, and most had served in Congress. Although the stated … Read more

DMPQ- What are Landslides and the causes of landslides? Map the Landslides prone area in India.

Landslide is defined as the movement of mass of rock, debris or earth down a slope under the direct influence of gravity. It’s a natural disaster which takes place because of both natural and anthropogenic factors. Being at a great height,h imalyan region is quite prone to this disaster. Natural Factors Intensive rainfall : rainy … Read more

DMPQ-. Bring out the Contributions of Aryabhatt in the field of Science and mathematics.

. Aryabhatta was a fifth century mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and physicist. He was a pioneer in the field of mathematics. At the age of 23, he wrote Aryabhattiya, which is a summary of mathematics of his time. There are four sections in this scholarly work. In the first section he describes the method of denoting … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on Cryosphere.

There are places on Earth that are so cold that water is frozen solid. These areas of snow or ice, which are subject to temperatures below 32°F for at least part of the year, compose the cryosphere. The term “cryosphere” comes from the Greek word, “krios,” which means cold. Ice and snow on land are one part … Read more


RMNCH+A stands for reproductive , maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health,  approach has been launches in 2013 and it essentially looks to address the major causes of mortality among women and children as well as the delays in accessing and utilizing health care and services. The RMNCH+A strategic approach has been developed to provide an … Read more

DMPQ- What is Oxytocin? What are its possible misuses?

Oxytocin is a crucial hormone used on pregnant women. It is used for the induction of labour and stop postpartum bleeding. It causes uterine contractions during labour, and helps new mothers lactate.  It has largely been in use during delivery to reduce maternal mortality. Misuse – Besides the genuine uses, Oxytocin is largely misused.  It … Read more

DMPQ- Inclusive growth should be the foundation of growth story of India. Comment on the salient features of Inclusive Growth of India.

Growth is said to be inclusive when it is distributed fairly across society and creates opportunities for all. Growth is inclusive when it  permeates evenly across all sectors, to every nook and corner of country and take all stakeholders along. Salient features of Inclusive growth are as follows: Equity-More opportunities are available to enable upward … Read more