DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

Aviation sector is one of the promising sector in India. This sector faced a growth rate of 20%  per annum in passenger traffic. As per IATA, India will become the 3rd largest aviation market in the world interms of passenger by 2026. Above data clearly states that aviation sector is not under stressed. The opportunities … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Internet saathi.

In rural India, only three in 10 internet users are a woman (​IMRB’s I Cube Report 2017​). A partnership with Tata Trusts, Internet Saathi gives women access to the digital world, and knowledge they can use and share. The program trains “Saathis” — specialists — who in turn can train their community and neighboring villages. … Read more

Note on Medieval Indo-Islamic Architecture.

With establishment of Turkish rule in India, a new phase coming in history of Indian art and architecture. Turks brought Islamic style of architecture in India. This new style eas significantly different from traditional Indian style. But over a period of time both style under went assimilation. Essential feature of Indo -Islamic architecture were: Islamic … Read more

DMPQ- . Why and in what ways did the states of western Europe see close relations with each other after the Second World War?

The genesis of the integration process began in Europe after the World War II. In the process of planning the introduction of a new political order in post-war Europe, it was acknowledged that the key task was the reconstruction of European economies. Western European leaders realised that only efficient and effective European economy would be … Read more

DMPQ: Evaluate the pro and cons of decentralized economic planning.

Pros Economic planning is assumed to modify the restraining influence of limited resources by recogniz­ing the existence of particular constraints and by choosing and coordinating investment projects so as to channel these scarce factors into their most productive outlets. Planning is necessary to take care of the poor and the downtrodden who have little asset … Read more

DMPQ: Define Parthenogenesis, Grafting and Layering.

Parthenogenesis Parthenogenesis, a reproductive strategy that involves development of a female (rarely a male) gamete (sex cell) without fertilization. It occurs commonly among lower plants and invertebrate animals (particularly rotifers, aphids, ants, wasps, and bees) and rarely among higher vertebrates. An egg produced parthenogenetically may be either haploid (i.e., with one set of dissimilar chromosomes) … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the emergence of fascism in Italy.

. Italian Fascism is the original fascist ideology as developed in Italy. The ideology is associated with the Fascist Revolutionary Party (PFR), founded in 1915; the succeeding National Fascist Party (PNF) in 1921, which under Benito Mussolini ruled the Kingdom of Italy from 1922 until 1943. The first meeting of the Fasci of Revolutionary Action … Read more