DMPQ- The estimated growth of 7.53% in ‘nominal’ terms is the lowest since 1975-76. Also, this is the first time since 2002-03 that nominal GDP growth is projected to be in single digits. Why is this a major concern?

National Statistical Office (NSO) released the first advance estimates of the national income that projected growth in India’s GDP at market prices for 2019-20 at 4.98% in “real” terms, the lowest since the 3.89% in the global financial crisis year of 2008-09. But even more significant was the estimated growth of 7.53% in “nominal” terms, which … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the structure and stratification of the atmosphere?( geography)

Variations of temperature, pressure and density are much larger in vertical directions than in horizontal. This strong vertical variations result in the atmosphere being stratified in layers that have small horizontal variability compare to the variations in the vertical. The atmosphere can be divided into five layers according to the diversity of temperature and density. … Read more

DMPQ: Moderates played an important role in the Freedom struggle. What are the characteristics of Indian Nationalism?

Early Nationalists neither desired complete independence nor adopted any aggressive attitude against the foreign government. They relied on petition, prayer, and moderate criticism of government policies as their methods. They had faith in the British idea of justice. They believed that just by drawing attention of the government towards a particular problem e.g. lack of … Read more

DMPQ: Why there was the growth of militant nationalism at the end of the 19th century? (history)

  i) Realisation that the true nature of British rule was exploitative, and the government, instead of conceding more, was taking away even what existed. ii) Growth of self- confidence and self- respect. iii) Impact of growth of education- increase in awareness and     unemployment. iv) International influences and events which demolished the myth of white/ … Read more

DMPQ-What is regional trading ? Point out the arguments in favor of regional trading.

. Regional trading refer to a treaty that is signed by two or more countries to encourage free movement of goods and services across the borders of its members. The agreement comes with internal rules that member countries follow among themselves. When dealing with non-member countries, there are external rules in place that the members … Read more

DMPQ: what are the benefits attached in adopting electric vehicles in India?

An electric car is an automobile that uses an electric motor as it’s primary source of propulsion. Electric vehicles (EVs) use electrical energy which is stored in rechargeable batteries. One of the primary benefits of an EV is the lack of tailpipe emissions. The term electric vehicle (EV) is commonly used to refer to three main types of automotive drivetrains. These are Battery … Read more

DMPQ- What are the Main Advantages of Transgenic Plant?

Improvement in Yield Gene technology plays important role in increasing the productivity of food, fibre and vegetable crops ensuring food security which is essential for international peace and stability. Thus it is an important mean to fight hunger. The transgenes generally are not yield enhancing genes. The increase in yield or productivity is achieved by … Read more