DMPQ: Tax reforms are the major part of the economic programme. Discuss the reforms taken in the direct taxes and indirect taxes in India.( Economy)

Since the beginnings of the last decade as a part of the economic reforms programme, the taxation system in the country has been subjected to consistent and comprehensive programme.  Indian government over the years have introduced tax reforms from time to time.     Direct tax reforms: Reduction and rationalisation of rates- there are only … Read more

DMPQ: What was the mandate of the committee headed by D B Shekatkar? Outline its recommendation. ( Military reforms/ polity)

The committee, set up in 2015 to recommend measures to enhance combat capability and rebalance defence expenditure of the armed forces, has submitted its final report in December 2016. The committee said that if recommendations are implemented, the government can save up to Rs. 25,000 crore from the current expenditure. The major recommendations are as follows: … Read more

DMPQ-Evaluate the development of Industries in India in the Inter-War Period (1919-38).

No country under colonial dependence could undertake any industrial transformation, if not all-round development. Up to the First World War, India experienced the classic period of imperialism of free trade and the British Government’s unsympathetic, hostile policy against industry. In addition, shortage of capital, management experience and technical expertise, as well as the absence of … Read more

DMPQ: Comment on the battle of koregaon.

A battle was fought in Bhima Koregaon, a district in Pune with a strong historical Dalit connection, between the Peshwa forces and the British on January 1, 1818. The British army, which comprised mainly of Dalit soldiers, fought the upper caste-dominated Peshwa army. The British troops defeated the Peshwa army. The victory was seen as a … Read more

DMPQ-. “Sculpture and painting saw it’s peak during Gupta period.” Explain.

. The period saw the emergence of iconic Hindu deities like Vishnu, Kartikeya, Shiva Surya and many other gods and goddesses, carved in stone in temples and in temple architecture. After the Huna invaders destroyed most of the artworks from the Gupta period, the surviving ones seen to this day are the Gupta architecture of … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Pygmy

Pygmy, in anthropology, member of any human group whose adult males grow to less than 59 inches (150 cm) in average height. A member of a slightly taller group is termed pygmoid.  The best-known Pygmy groups and those to whom the term is most commonly applied are the Pygmies of tropical Africa; elsewhere Join Our … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Liberalisation? What are the components of Liberalisation?

The term “liberalization” in this context implies economic liberalization. The essence of thispolicy is that greater freedom is to be given to Subscribe on YouTube the entrepreneur of any industry, trade orbusiness and that governmental control on the same be reduced to the minimum. Rules and laws which were aimed at regulating the economic activities … Read more

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