Revolutionary Movements in British India

 BHAGAT SINGH The name Bhagat Singh has become a synonym of revolution. He was one of the great revolutionaries who made supreme sacrifice for the nation. Thousands of young people sacrificed their lives in the altar of India’s liberation struggle but the name Bhagat Singh has a special place in the history of our independence. … Read more

The Lichavi and their republican constitution

The History of Licchavis The Lichchhavis (also Lichchavi, Licchavi) were an important member of the Vajjian confederacy. The early Indian traditions describe the Lichchhavis as Kshatriyas. Scholars reject the theory of foreign origin of the Lichchhavis on the strength of these traditions. But they were degraded to the status of fallen Kshatriyas due to their … Read more

Panchayati raj of Chhattisgarh

Panchayati raj of Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh has approximately 9,820 Gram Panchayats at the village level, 146 Janpad Panchayat at the intermediate (block) level and 16 Zila Panchayat at the district level, Additionally, there is the Gram Sabha, which is the basic unit in the Panchayati Raj mechanism. Panchayats have been the backbone of the Indian villages … Read more

Growth of Communalism

Definition Communalism is the belief that because a group of people follow a particular religion they have, as a result, common secular, that is, social, political and economic interests. Second stage: Secular interests of followers of one religion are dissimilar and divergent from the interests of the followers of another religion Third stage: The interests … Read more

The Peshwas

            1713-20   Balaji Vishwanath Shahu appointed him as the Peshwa.     1720-40   Baji Rao I Baji Rao I succeded who was the most charismatic leader in             Maratha history after Shivaji.He conquered Malwa, Bundelkhand             & even … Read more

Gandhian Movements

The role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle is considered the most significant as he single-handedly spearheaded the movement for Indian independence. The peaceful and non-violent techniques of Mahatma Gandhi formed the basis of freedom struggle against the British yoke. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869. After he came back to … Read more

World War I and Gadar movement

World War I and Indian Nationalism Increasing number of Indians from Punjab were emigrating to North America. The British government thought that these emigrants would be affected by the idea of liberty. Hence, they tried to restrict emigration. Tarak Nath Das, an Indian student in Canada, started a paper called Free Hindustan. The Hindi Association … Read more

Advent of Europeans and factors leading to the British Supremacy, Expansion of British Empire- Wars and diplomacy

Indian trade links with Europe started in through sea route only after the arrival of Vasco da Gama in Calicut, India on May 20, 1498. The Portuguese had traded in Goa as early as 1510, and later founded three other colonies on the west coast in Diu, Bassein, and Mangalore. In 1601 the East India … Read more

Merger of States

Integration of Princely States Under the plan of 3 June, more than 562 princely states were given the option of joining either India or Pakistan, or choosing independence. Indian nationalists and large segments of the public feared that if these states did not accede, most of the people and territory would be fragmented. The Congress … Read more