DMPQ- What is Inter state council ? Also mentions it’s composition and it’s role in centre-state relations.

The Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State Relations (1983–87) made a strong case for the establishment of a permanent Inter-State Council under Article 263 of the Constitution. It recommended that in order to differentiate the Inter-State Council from other bodies established under the same Article 263, it must be called as the Inter-Governmental Council. The Commission recommended … Read more

DMPQ- Evaluate the nature of Indian federalism.

India has adopted a federal structure. In a federation there are two distinct levels of governments. There is one government for the whole country which is called the Union or Central Government. Also there is government for each Unit/State. The United States of America is a federation whereas the United Kingdom (Britain) has a unitary … Read more

DMPQ: What was the mandate of New education policy in India? Outline its salient features.

The Committee was constituted under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in October,2015.  The report proposes an Education Policy, which seeks to address challenges faced by the current education system.  Key features of the proposed Policy are summarised below. Early childhood care and education was inconsistent across states. The committee recommended that ECCE for … Read more

DMPQ: Political parties should not be under the ambit of RTI. Do you agree with the statement? Give suggestions in support of your answer.(Acts)

Political parties cannot come under the RTI as they are not public authorities.  According to RTI act the public authorities are those which are formed by constitution, parliament statue or bodies created by notification or order of the appropriate government, such as planning commission, UIDAI etc. Since political parties do not full fill any of … Read more

DMPQ: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) is the institution through which the accountability of the government to Parliament and through Parliament to the people is ensured. Discuss. ( Polity)

The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is an authority, established by the Constitution of India under article 148, who audits all receipts and expenditure of the Government of India. The constitution makes the CAG the guardian of the public purse. Primary duty of CAG is to see that neither the union government nor … Read more

DMPQ: In India governor’s role is not beyond criticism. There is an allegation of Governors post being politicised and not more than decorated post. What changes you can suggest to change this perception?

Article 153 of Indian constitution establishes the office of governor in every state of Indian union. All executive decisions of the state are under the name of governor (Article 154). Governor will hold the office till he/she enjoys the pleasure of president (Article 156). Governor’s office is of vital importance having multifaceted role. But frequent … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the importance of Niti Aayog in developing plans and policies for continous growth and development of India.

. NITI Aayog has been entrusted with the role to co-ordinate ‘Transforming our world:  the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ (called as SDGs). Moving ahead from  the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), SDGs have been evolved through a long  inclusive process for achievement during 2016-2030. The SDGs cover 17 goals and 169 related targets resolved in … Read more

DMPQ- What are the sailent features of The Competition Act, 2002

Salient Features Anti Agreements Enterprises, persons or associations of enterprises or persons, including cartels, shall not enter into agreements in respect of production, supply, distribution, storage, acquisition or control of goods or provision of services, which cause or are likely to cause an “appreciable adverse impact” on competition in India. Such agreements would consequently be … Read more

DMPQ- Point out the factors which limit the sovereignty of India’s parliament.

. The Indian Parliament cannot be regarded as a sovereign body as there are ‘legal’ restrictions on its authority and jurisdiction. The factors that limit the sovereignty of Indian Parliament are: Written Nature of the Constitution The Constitution is the fundamental law of the land in our country. It has defined the authority and jurisdiction … Read more

DMPQ- . “Constitution of India has made the governor only a nominal executive.” Explain.

The Constitution of India provides for a parliamentary form of government in the states as in the Centre. Consequently, the governor has been made only a nominal executive, the real executive constitutes the council of ministers headed by the chief minister. In other words, the governor has to exercise his powers and functions with the … Read more