DMPQ- “The task of integrating the tribal people into the mainstream was extremely complex.” Explain the statement.

In most parts of the country, colonialism brought radical transformation of the tribals as their relative isolation was eroded by the penetration of market forces and they were integrated with the British and princely administrations. A large number of moneylenders, traders, revenue farmers and other middlemen and petty officials invaded the tribal areas and disrupted … Read more

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term reasonable restrictions and also what significance its hold in Indian constitution.

The constitution of India has authorised the State to impose certain restrictions on fundamental rights   Restrictions may be put on the right to freedom of speech & expression in the interest of sovereignty , integrity and security of India , friendly relations with foreign states , public order , decency or morality or in … Read more

DMPQ:What is Citizen Charter? Why Citizen charter is necessary?

Citizens’ Charters initiative is a response to the mission for solving the problems which a citizen meets, day in and day out, while dealing with the organisations providing public services. The charter is the declaration of commitment to superiority in service to customers of the department. The citizen charter declares the standards for various services … Read more

DMPQ: What are the areas of concerns in centre and state relationship?

  Appointment of governor. Reservation of bill by governor for President assent. Allegation of use of central agency to serve political vendetta. Appointment of civil servants and Management of All India services. Control over finance. Role of planning commission now NITI aayog in approving state subjects. Appointment of enquiry commissions against the chief minister. Control … Read more

DMPQ- What are the implications of neutrality in civil services?

The concept of neutrality has three implications: public confidence in the non-political character of public service, Confidence of ministers belonging to any political party in the loyalty of the permanent subordinates, and High morale of public servants based on the confidence that promoting would be made not on the basis of political considerations but on … Read more

DMPQ- What are quasi Judicial bodies?

Quasi-judicial bodies have powers analogous to that of the law-imposing bodies but these are not courts. They have all the powers of a civil court. They primarily oversee the administrative zones. The courts have the power to supervise over all types of disputes but the quasi-judicial bodies are the ones with the powers of imposing … Read more

DMPQ: Identify the few shortcomings of the election system in India

rigging of election and booth capturing use of caste and religion in election Misuse of official machinery Criminalization of politics Maintenance and auditing of accounts by political parties is not fully transparent RTI not applicable to political parties Effect of pressure groups Misuse of mass and social media (fake news) Communalism Low voter turnout

DMPQ- State governments in India don’t enjoy exclusive power to make law on state subjects. Comment.

State governments generally have exclusive right to make laws on state subjects but there are instances when Parliament can legislate on state subjects. Circumstances under which Parliament can make laws on matters enumerated in the State list: Article 249: When Rajya Sabha passes a resolution supported by two-thirds of the member present and voting, declaring … Read more