DMPQ- Explain the core public service values.

Some of the core public service values are as follows: Accountability: This is essential in field of public administration and particularly important within the context of administrative discretion. Effective administration requires administrators to exercise the discretion with accountability. Legitimacy: The public interest might also be considered as significant value. Although, there are numerous types and … Read more

DMPQ- Steps taken by Government for Educational empowerment of scheduled tribes in India.

Top Class Education for ST Students This is a Central Sector Scholarship Scheme for ST students introduced from the academic year 2007-08 with the objective of encouraging meritorious ST students for pursing studies at Degree and Post Graduate level in any of the Institutes identified by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for the purpose. Eklavya … Read more

DMPQ: Police must develop smart tactics to address the changing nature of violence. Why police is in the need of the reforms? ( Governance/polity)

Reasons: Low police officials to population ratio Insensitivity of police towards weaker sections. Women and Dalits are poorly represented in the police personnel. Changing dynamics of crime eg cyber-crime, digital frauds. Corruption in the police system. Lack of civilian trust. Politicization and allegiance towards ruling party. Lack of technological capabilities necessary to perform quality investigations. … Read more

DMPQ: What is e governance? What are its benefits ?

E-governance, expands to electronic governance, is the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)in all the processes, with the aim of enhancing government ability to address the needs of the general public. The basic purpose of e-governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc. at National, State and local levels. There are various … Read more

DMPQ- UMANG has helped in the realization of e-Governance in true sense.Evaluate.

UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance) is developed by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and National e-Governance Division (NeGD) to drive Mobile Governance in India. UMANG provides a single platform for all Indian Citizens to access pan India e-Gov services ranging from Central to Local Government bodies and other citizen centric services. … Read more

DMPQ-Concurrent list subjects have become the area of tension between union and state government. Comment

The Constitution provides a scheme for demarcation of powers through three ‘lists’ in the seventh schedule. The aim of the concurrent list was to ensure uniformity across the country where independently both centre and state can legislate. However, there is increasing centralization of power vis a vis Concurrent list which is axiomatic- Since 1950, the … Read more