DMPQ- Policy framers must recognise the wide diversity of Adivasi in order to address their different problem. Elucidate.

seven adults of Khariasavar community died within a span of just two weeks. The life span is approximately 26 years less than the average India’s life expectancy. This is not normal for mainstream society like us. Similarly all adivasis are facing one or the other problems which are not recognised at policy levels and as … Read more

DMPQ-Road accidents are increasing at a rapid rate. Enumerate the reason for increase in the road accidents.

As per annual repots on road accidents in India, the number of death due to road accidents was around 1.5 lakh. The road accidents are on higher side in India. The Reasons are as follows: Poor Implementation of Traffic rules and laws. Enforcement is also weak. Over speeding Mixing of drinking and driving. Poor quality … Read more

DMPQ- Family as an institution is getting affected by the changes in society. Discuss the changes in the family and the causes of the changes.

Family is a smallest basic social unit which performs various functions like biological, psychological, economical etc. The form and the characteristics of the families are changing. Changes: Joint family to nuclear family. Concept of single mother, single father. Supreme court has given legal sanction to live in couple as family. The reasons for the changes … Read more

DMPQ: what were the factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture?

Culture of India was in a stage of questioning because of the rational outlook brought up by the Britishers. The culture of India experienced the ideals of modernity. The factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture were: Spread of Nationalism: The rising tide of nationalism and democracy also … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the concept of Purushartha

The purushartha are described as the pschyco -moral bases of Asharam theory. They are concerned with the understanding, justification , management and conduct of affairs of the individual’s life in relation to the group in and through asharam. These help the individual in getting psychological training and preparing himself to deal in the actual society. … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss India’s major folk dances.

Bihu The Bihu dance is a folk dance from the Indian State of Assam related to the festival of Bihu. This Jogous dance is performed by both young men and women and is characterised by brisk dance steps, and rapid hand movement. Dancers wear traditionally colourful Assamese clothing. Bhangra Bhangra is a folk dance conducted … Read more

DMPQ- What do you understand by the concept of Modernisation and Westernisation.

Modernisation: The term ‘Modernization’ is a broader and complex term. It is a process by which modern scientific knowledge is introduced in the society with the ultimate purpose of achieving a better and more satisfactory life in the broadest sense of the term accepted by the society concerned.   Modernization refers to an attempt on … Read more

DMPQ- “Indian culture has always been both Materialistic and Spiritualistic.” Explain.

India is popularly known to be a land of spirituality particularly to the West. However, Indian history from ancient times to present day shows that the developments of materialistic and non-materialistic culture have been going on alongside. You will recall that the Harappan civilization was an urban one. It had a systematic town planning where … Read more

DMPQ- Although untouchability is totally banned in India, Modern forms of untouchability still prevail in India. Do you agree with the statement?

  Discrimination against Dalits penetrates numerous aspects of daily life in India. It affects access to education and medical facilities and imposes restrictions on housing and what kind of work Dalits can carry out. Denial of rented house to dalit community by non dalit community. Discriminatory behaviour with dalit community at university level especially in … Read more