Polytechnique and I.T.I


Courses offered by polytechnics include 3 year diploma courses such as  Architectural Assistantship, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Dairy Engineering, Textile Technology, Textile Chemistry, Glass and Ceramic Engineering, Printing Technology, Leather Technology, Interior Decoration & Design, Agriculture Engineering, Fashion Designing and Garment Technology, Paint Technology, Plastic & Mould Technology, Textile Design, Hotel Management & Catering Service, Air Craft Maintenance, Avionics.  Also on offer in such polytechnics are 2 year diploma courses like Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice, Library and Information Science, Pharmacy, Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application, Home Science, Material Management, Commercial Practice, Mass Communication.

Industrial training institute

Industrial Training Institutes and Industrial Training Centers are post-secondary schools in India constituted under Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Union Government to provide training in various trades.

Directorate of Training and Technical Education is entrusted with the responsibility of providing trained technical manpower for the technological upgradation of industrial production, services, productivity and innovation, contributing to the planned growth of the country’s economy. With a view to achieving the above objective, Department strives for systematic planning, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes and policies relating to technical/vocational education. With the stress on the planned and systematic expansion for appropriate industrial growth of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, particularly in the context of globalisation and liberalization of economy, this Department has made significant strides in the field of technical and vocational education.