Role of Foreign Capital

  Role of Foreign Capital and Multinational companies in Industrial development of India   The development of any society or country without economic development is a myth. Economic development brings prosperity which in turns is directly proportional to the amount of goods and services produced quantitatively or in broad sense we can say in money … Read more


Government bodies raise money by imposing taxes on citizens and then use those funds to pursue various programs such as education, defence, infrastructure and research and development. A government’s budget describes all of its sources of income and where it spends that income, and budget reform is the process of making changes to how the … Read more

06-12-2017 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH C’garh starts work on inter-linking rivers: brijmohan   The Chhattisgarh Government has started work for inter-linking rivers to extend irrigation facilities across the State, State Agriculture Minister Brijmohan Agrawal told reporters. Mahanadi river would be linked with Tandula, Pairi with Mahanadi, Rehar with Stem, Ahiran with Kharang and Hasdeo with Kevai.   Under Chirag … Read more

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