Staffing refers to the managerial function of employing and developing human resources for carrying out the various managerial and non-managerial activities in an organisation. This involves determining the manpower requirement, and the methods of recruiting, selecting, training and developing the people for various positions created in the organisation.   Staffing function is an integral … Read more

Chhattisgarh: Planned Development

  Planned development is the very first need of any systematic developed state. It envisages the path for sustainable development including the environment and other biological factors. Chhattisgarh is a new state which has born in 2000. Being a new born state it has challenge of systematic and planned development. The state has state planning … Read more


  defined as ‘an addition or excessive addition of certain materials to the physical environment (water, air and lands), making it less fit or unfit for life’. Pollutants are the materials or factors, which cause adverse effect on the natural quality of any component of the environment. Classifications According to the form in which they … Read more

Role of Foreign Capital

  Role of Foreign Capital and Multinational companies in Industrial development of India   The development of any society or country without economic development is a myth. Economic development brings prosperity which in turns is directly proportional to the amount of goods and services produced quantitatively or in broad sense we can say in money … Read more