DMPQ- List out the main Application of radioactivity.

Application of radioactivity: • Health: 1. Found extensive use in diagnosis and therapy eg. Phosphorous-32 is used to identify the cancerous cell. As cancer cell absorb more phosphorous, Iodine 131 is employ to determine cardiac output, plasma volume and fat metabolism and particularly to measure the activity of thyroid gland. 2. To treat cancer cells: … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the importance of Farm Power.

The world is entering in the twenty-first century so that every sector of the economy should prepare itself to face the challenges of the coming century. There will be need to produce more than what is being produced and there would be greater demand for food, fiber and other commodities. The land area is limited … Read more

DMPQ- Farmer suicides have increased in the recent past. Give suggestions to prevent farmer suicides.

In the last few years, a large number of farmers have committed suicide.  Cases of suicides have been reported from states such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. Some of measures suggested include: Provide affordable health insurance and revitalize primary healthcare centres. The National Rural Health Mission should be … Read more

DMPQ:What is Sustainable Agriculture system? What are its components?

A farming systems that are “capable of maintaining their productivity and usefulness to society indefinitely and must be resource-conserving, socially supportive, commercially competitive,and environmentally sound.” Major components of sustainable agricultural system Soil and water conservation to prevent degradation of soil productivity Efficient use of limited irrigation water without leading to problems of soil salinity,alkalinity and … Read more

DMPQ: Micropropagation, Somatic hybridisation, Single cell protein, Mutation breeding

Micropropagation Ans:  Method of producing thousands of plants through tissue culture is called micropropagation. Each of these plants will be genetically identical to the original plant from which they are grown. They are soma clones. Somatic hybridisation Ans:  In somatic hybridisation cell wall is removed by digesting it with enzyme like pectinase and cellulase. Isolated … Read more

DMPQ- Name any two Pre Congress Association and Discuss about them in brief.

The political Associations and activities in pre-Congress period in India and abroad regarding the Indian freedom struggle made it mandatory to form an All-India Association that would lead the country against the foreign rulers. Example Zamindari Association, The Indian Association of Calcutta, The Bombay Presidency Association The Indian Association of Calcutta                Surendranath Banerjee and … Read more

DMPQ-The growth of Indian economy since 1991 reforms can be described as the service sector led economic growth. Analyze its major impacts on the Indian Economy? Do you think that service sector led growth is sustainable in the long run? Give reasons with statistical support?

The period 2000-2010 was a golden period for growth of services in India, one of rapid services-led economic growth in India; the economy grew at an average annual rate of 7.2 per cent, and around 63 per cent of this growth came from growth of services. Such growth leads to a belief that India is … Read more

DMPQ: Short note on USTTAD Scheme.

The scheme “Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/Crafts for Development (USTTAD) was launched in May, 2015.  “Shilp Utsav” component of the scheme has been implemented through ”National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC) to provide support to minority craftsmen/ artisans for marketing their products. The Ministry has also engaged Knowledge Partners viz. National … Read more