Inter-governmental action

IPCC UN Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit), 1992 Agenda 21 An action plan of UN relating to sustainable development adopted at the Earth Summit, 1992 UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol IPCC 1988 by World Meteorological Organisation and UNEP tasked with reviewing and assessing the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to … Read more

19-20.11.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Gis based sweeping of streets in bilaspur soon   The Bilaspur Municipal Corporation (BMC) will go for GIS based mechanical sweeping of streets under Smart City Mission, officials informed.   The BMC will be developing ‘Common Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility’ (CMSWMF) for treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste generated from domestic, commercial, … Read more


Budgeting Budgeting is the process of estimating the availability of resources and then allocating them to various activities of an organization according to a pre-determined priority. In most cases, approval of a budget also means the approval to various spending units to utilize the allocated resources. Budgeting plays a criucial role in the socio-economic development … Read more

Railway,Roades And Ports of India

Railway,Roades And Ports of India Impact on The Indian economy The Indian Railways contributes to India’s economic development, accounting for about one per cent of the GNP and the backbone of freight needs of the core sector. It accounts for six per cent of the total employment in the organised sector directly and an additional … Read more

Urban Economy after 1858

Urban Indian economy after 1858 During this period, the Indian economy essentially remained stagnant, growing at the same rate (1.2%) as the population.  India also experienced deindustrialization during this period. Compared to the Mughal era, India during the British colonial era had a lower per-capita income, a large decline in the secondary sector, and lower … Read more

Multipurpose Projects & Hydro-Electric Projects in India

Damodar Valley Project—- Damodar—– West Bengal & Jharkhand. It includes Maithon & Tilaiya Dam on Barakar river in Bihar, Konar Dam (Konar river) & Panchet Dam (Damodar). Rihand Dam —-Rihand —–Uttar Pradesh Nagarjunasagar Project —–Krishna—- Andhra Pradesh. Consists of two canals – Lal Bahadur Canal (Left) & Jawahar canal (Right). Tungabhadra Project Tungabhadra JV of … Read more

23.11.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH C’garh gains major success in fight against malnutrition: govt   Chhattisgarh has garnered significant success in the battle against malnutrition within just five years. In this campaign against malnutrition, the State has been getting promising results, officials informed.   Nearly 50,000 anganwadi centres are providing services such as nutritious food distribution and vaccination, and … Read more

Socio- Religious Reform Movements – Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Prarthna Samaj, Ram Krishna Mission.

Reformers like Raja Rammohan Roy, Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Jyotiba Phule, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Pandita Ramabai understood that ignorance and backwardness in the society was responsible for hindering its progress and development. They studied the religious scriptures and criticized the prevalent religious and social practices. According to them, society should be based … Read more

Global Warming

  An increase in the average temperature of Earth’s near surface air and oceans since the mid-20thcentury 4thassessment report of IPCC: global temperature increased 74+18 degree C during the 20thcentury. Caused by greenhouse gases Water vapour, Co2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Ozone, CFCs (in order of abundance) Since the industrial revolution, the burning of fossil fuels has increased … Read more


Deserts are formed in regions with less than 25 cm of annual rainfall, .or sometimes in hot regions where there is more rainfall, but unevenly distributed in the annual cycle. Lack’ of rain in the mid latitude is often due to stable high pressure zones; deserts in temperate regions often lie in “rain shadows”, that … Read more