Economic reforms in india

Economic reforms in india New Industrial Policy Under Industrial Policy, keeping in view the priorities of the country and its economic development, the roles of the public and private sectors are clearly decided. Under the New Industrial Policy, the industries have been freed to a large extent from the licenses and other controls. In order … Read more

20.10.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Chhattisgarh government reduces interest on loan under Saksham Yojna   Chhattisgarh State Government has reduced the rate of interest on loan given to women and their self-help groups (SHGs) under ‘Saksham Yojna’from 6.5 percent to 5 percent. Saksham Yojana too is operated by Chhattisgarh Mahila Kosh, under which loans to the tune of Rs 72 lakh … Read more

Budgetary deficit – Revenue, Primary and Fiscal.

Budgetary Deficit is the difference between all receipts and expenditure of the government, both revenue and capital. This difference is met by the net addition of the treasury bills issued by the RBI and drawing down of cash balances kept with the RBI. The budgetary deficit was called deficit financing by the government of India. … Read more

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