Non-banking financial institutions and their reforms in them since 1990s

Non-banking financial institutions and their reforms in them since 1990s A Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 of India, engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of shares, stock, bonds hire-purchase insurance business or chit business but does not include any institution whose principal business … Read more

03.01.18 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH RS 34.12 CRORE NOD FOR DISTRIBUTARIES CONSTRUCTION   Chhattisgarh Government has given administrative sanction of Rs 34.12 crore for reconstruction of miners, lining and other construction works of distributaries- 15 and 16 of Mahanadi main canal in Raipur district. These works will provide additional irrigation facility for 663 hectare area and total area of … Read more

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