Public Finance, Monetary Policies, Inflation & Control Mechanism, Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, CRR & SLR.

Table of Content:- Public Finance Monetary Policies Inflation & Control Mechanism, Repo Rate Reverse Repo Rate CRR SLR. Public Finance Public finance is the study of the role of the government in the economy. It is the branch of economics which assesses the government revenue and government expenditure of the public authorities and the adjustment … Read more

Changes in the role of Public sector and Private Sectors

Public sector has played an important role in achieving industrial self reliance. Iron and steel, railway equipment, petroleum, coal and fertilizer industries, have been developed in this sector. These industries were established in industrially backward regions. During the seventh five year plan an emphasis was laid on high technology, high value addition and knowledge based … Read more


National Income The study of National Income is important because of the following reasons: To see the economic development of the country. To assess the developmental objectives. To know the contribution of the various sectors to National Income. Internationally some countries are wealthy, some countries are not wealthy and some countries are in-between. Under such … Read more

Economic reforms in india

Economic reforms in india New Industrial Policy Under Industrial Policy, keeping in view the priorities of the country and its economic development, the roles of the public and private sectors are clearly decided. Under the New Industrial Policy, the industries have been freed to a large extent from the licenses and other controls. In order … Read more

Role and Functions of Reserve Bank of India

Role of RBI Pre-reform Post-reform Developmental Role: the developmental role has increased in view of the changing structure of the economy with a focus on SMEs and financial inclusion Priority Sector Lending: Introduced from 1974 with public sector banks. Extended to all commercial banks by 1992 In the revised guidelines for PSL the thrust is … Read more

Structural changes in the Indian Economy ( GDP and work force)

Structural changes in the Indian Economy Change in composition of domestic product or change in national income by industry of origin refers to change in relative significance (share) of different sectors of the economy. Generally, an economy is divided into three major sectors viz. primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Primary sector includes agricultural and allied … Read more

Banking- Role of Commercial Banks, Issue of NPA, Financial Inclusion

Table of Content:- Role of Commercial Banks Issue of NPA Financial Inclusion A Commercial bank is a type of financial institution that provides services such as accepting deposits, making business loans, and offering basic investment products There is acute shortage of capital. People lack initiative and enterprise. Means of transport are undeveloped. Industry is depressed. The commercial … Read more

Public Debt

When a government spends more than it collects in taxes, it borrows from the private sector to finance the budget deficit. The accumulation of past borrowing is the government debt. A tax cut stimulates consumer spending and reduces national saving. The reduction in saving raises the interest rate, which crowds out investment. As per Solow’s … Read more

Budgetary deficit – Revenue, Primary and Fiscal.

Budgetary Deficit is the difference between all receipts and expenditure of the government, both revenue and capital. This difference is met by the net addition of the treasury bills issued by the RBI and drawing down of cash balances kept with the RBI. The budgetary deficit was called deficit financing by the government of India. … Read more

Pattern of Revenue Expenditure

Pattern of Revenue Expenditure In India, government expenditure – as per the provision in the Constitution – is divided into revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. However, the adoption of economic planning shifted emphasize on the division of expenditure into Plan and Non-Plan. The share of Non-Plan expenditure has remained close to 70% and that of … Read more