30.08.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh   Raipur Municipal Corporation portal to keep track of affordable house allotments   An online portal has been launched by the civic body to keep track of home allotments to slum dwellers through the Basic Service for Urban Poor (BSUP) housing scheme.   This portal will keep track of vacant houses and its allotment process executed by zone … Read more

Forest Based Industries

Forest area of Chhattisgarh approx 59,772 square kilometers, which is 44.21 percent of the Chhattisgarh ‘s geographical area. Third rank in the country In terms of forest covers. Forests of Chhattisgarh state divided into two major categories, namely Tropical Humid Deciduous forest and tropical dry Deciduous forest. The state’s two main tree species are sal … Read more

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