Amendments to the Constitution

  Amendments to the Constitution are made by the Parliament, the procedure for which is laid out in Article 368. An amendment bill must be passed by both the Houses of the Parliament by a tw o-thirds majority and voting. In addition to this, certain amendments which pertain to the federal nature of the Constitution … Read more

Good Governance

The “key word” to be used in this is the “Good Governance” in the various phases of the service definition, development, refining and monitoring, and the whole concept of Good Governance services is based on “putting the citizen (user) at the centre of innovative services” starting from enabling of a specific procedure: citizens shall be … Read more

Natural Hazards : Floods, Droughts, Cyclones, Landslides

  Natural Hazards of India Disaster A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a community or society and causes human, material and economic or environmental losses that exceed the community’s capacity to cope using its own resources. Vulnerability + Hazard =Disaster Vulnerability- it is defined as the diminished capacity of … Read more

Types of pollution and their management; air, water, soil, sound/noise, radioactive and e-waste. Industrial waste and its management. Impact of Solid Waste Management, recycling and reuse,

ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION defined as ‘an addition or excessive addition of certain materials to the physical environment (water, air and lands), making it less fit or unfit for life’. Pollutants are the materials or factors, which cause adverse effect on the natural quality of any component of the environment. Classifications 1. According to the form in … Read more

Attorney General of India

Attorney General of India Constitutional of Attorney General Article 76 The President shall appoint a person who is qualified to be appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court to be Attorney-General for India. It shall be the duty of the Attorney-General to give advice to the Government of India upon such legal matters, and to … Read more

28.10.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Web-Based Automated ‘Building Permission Management System’ Soon Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion Society (CHiPS) will be getting developed a  Web-based ‘Automated Layout Plan Screening and Approval System and Building Permission Management System’ in the State, officials informed. The project is being taken up for State Town & Country Planning Directorate. The main objective of the Directorate … Read more

Seismic activity zones

Bureau of Indian Standards , based on the past seismic history, grouped the country into four seismic zones, viz. Zone-II, -III, -IV and –V. Of these, Zone V is the most seismically active region, while zone II is the least. The Modified Mercalli (MM) intensity, which measures the impact of the earthquakes on the surface of the … Read more

Population, environment and development

  The rapid pace of population growth has led to the excessive utilization of natural resources. Huge population also leads to huge production of wastes. The resultant outcomes are loss of biodiversity, pollution of air, water and soil and increased pressure on arable land. All these have been putting great stress on the environment. If … Read more


Settlement can be defined as any form of human habitation which ranges from a single dwelling to large city. The word settlement has another connotation as well as this is a process of opening up and settling of a previously uninhabited area by the people. In geography this process is also known as occupancy. Settlements … Read more

15.08.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh     Soil, water and air contaminated with heavy metals in these Chhattisgarh villages   A report called “Poisoned” on water, air and soil pollution in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh released recently highlights a severe pollution crisis in the region with levels of several carcinogenic heavy metals in air, water and soil not meeting … Read more

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