15.05.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Mahanadi row must be ended politically, not legally   The Mahanadi, which is the most important river for Odisha, is an interstate river. The total catchment area of the Mahanadi basin is 141,600 square kilometers, of which 54% is in Chhattisgarh, 46% in Odisha. In the monsoon, the Mahanadi’s discharge is almost the same as that of … Read more

Indian Social Problems

Eradication of Social and religious wrongs Social and Religious Issues Social issues (also social problem, social evil, and social conflict) refers to any undesirable condition that is opposed either by the whole society or by a section of the society. It is an unwanted social condition, often objectionable, the continuance of which is harmful for … Read more

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