CGPCS Mains DMPQ Program- Daily CGPSC Mains answer writting

Below are the latest updates of Daily Mains Practice question

Revised Launch of our Mains DMPQ Program under the expert guidence of Sri Shresth Dixit, who will be the program cordinator for the DMPQ Program. Students may contact for any queries with Sri Shresth Dixit on

The most important features of the revised DMPQ are as follows:-

  • Now the model answers will be provided for all the questions of DMPQ.
  • Daily Set will include 6 questions (5 related to GS part of syllabus and 1 related to State GK)
  • Questions of DMPQ will be different from the mains test series and it is a humble request to even the subscribers of Mains test series to actively participate in Mains answer Writing practice.
  • The Program will be completely FREE
  • Reviews by the team will be furnished for the students answers along with suggestion’s.

Day 191 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (10-03-2019)
Day 188 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (07-03-2019)
Day 96 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (04-12-2018)
  1. Discuss the structure of Atmosphere.
  2. Throw light on the invasion of Nadir Shah and its effects.
  3. Evaluate the relationship of Indian President and Prime Minister.
  4. Write in brief about primary and secondary sexual characters.
  5. What is the quality of employment?
  6. Give a brief information on factors responsible for environmental degradation
Day 93 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (01-12-2018)
  1. Mention main Non-conventional Sources of energy of India
  2. Trace the causes of failure of the Revolt of 1857 and throw light on its importance.
  3. Discuss the ideology and programme of any two major political parties in India.
  4. Explain Ozone layer depletion and its effects.
  5. Write the main reasons for low industrialization in India.
  6. What is “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” ? Discuss their causes. Write down the adverse effects of climate change and describe the international efforts are to be taken to control it.
Day 92 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (30-11-2018)
  1. Give a geographical description of Drainage System of Chambal River.
  2. Describe the public welfare activities of Firuzshah Tughluq.
  3. Judiciary is a watchdog to protect the fundamental rights. Evaluate.
  4. Explain the role of sustainable development in environment protection
  5. Write any two causes of inflationary rise in prices in recent years
  6. Discuss Biodiversity with special reference to India.
Day 91 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (29-11-2018)
  1. Discuss special features of Jute Industry of India
  2. Discuss the nature and significance of Din-i-Eahi
  3. Write a critical essay on basic assumptions and utilities of the directive principles of state policy as provided by the Constitution of India.
  4. Discuss applications of science and technology in social and economic development.
  5. Analyze why Indian economy is considered as planned developing economy.
  6. What is Organic farming
Day 90 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (28-11-2018)
  1. Give an account of four Iron-Steel Plants established in public sector of India after Independence.
  2. Explain ‘economic drain’ and discuss its causes.
  3. Critically examine the State Information Commission and its powers and functions.
  4. What is meant by supplementary nutrition ?
  5. Distinguish between Green Revolution and Golden Revolution.
  6. What are Hotspots of Biodiversity
Day 89 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (27-11-2018)
  1. Describe the relief conditions of Aravalli Hills.
  2. Give a brief account of the Birsa Munda Movement.
  3. Present an analysis of the different types of jurisdictions of the Supreme Court according to the Constitution of India.
  4. What do you mean by Biotechnology ?
  5. What measures has been undertaken by the government for the reform in its financial sector on recommendations of the Naimham Committee?
  6. What do you mean by waste management
Day 88 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (26-11-2018)
  1. Himalaya is a distinct physiographic region of the country. Bring out the salient features of its longitudinal ranges.
  2. Write a short note; on Kunwar Singh
  3. What are social legislation’s?
  4. Write an essay about Technological interventions regarding Family Healthcare area
  5. What are some emerging trends in Indian agriculture as a result of liberalization?
  6. Discuss the success of “Namami Gange”
Day 87 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (25-11-2018)
  1. Describe the rate and spatial pattern of growth of population in India since 1901
  2. Between whom did the Carnatic Wars take place ? What was their result?
  3. Explain the Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Policy, 2007
  4. Write a note on remote sensing.
  5. What are the objectives of Pradhan Mantri Gram SadakYojna (PMGSY)?
  6. Define Biodiversity.
Day 86 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (24-11-2018)
  1. Descibe the salient features of stalactites and stalagmites and process of their formation.
  2. Write a note on Ashth Pradhan
  3. Evaluate the whistle-blower law of India.
  4. What is cyber defence and why is it essential?
  5. Write a short note on Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).
  6. What is sustainable development
Day 85 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (23-11-2018)
  1. Give an account of the physiography of Peninsular India and describe its physiographic sub-regions
  2. Discuss those factors which assisted in the rise of Indian Nationalism.
  3. What is the basis of the distribution of Powers between Centre and States as implied in Indian Constitution ?
  4. Briefly describe Darwinism.
  5. Write the role of Regional Rural Banks in providing institutional credit to agriculture.
  6. Write the full form of IUCN. In which year the Parliament of India enacted the Wild Life Protection Act and what was its purpose ?
Day 84 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (22-11-2018)
  1. Throw the light on the types of irrigation and their distribution pattern in India and write about its role in agricultural development of the country.
  2. Write a note on Surat Split
  3. What do you mean by Adult-Franchise ?
  4. Corrosion and its prevention
  5. Write the salient feature of Kisan Credit Card Scheme.
  6. Suggest some measures to control noise pollution.
Day 83 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (21-11-2018)
  1. Describe Green House Gases.
  2. Discuss Gandhi-Irwin Pact in brief.
  3. Explain the six freedoms as mentioned in Right Freedom under Indian Constitution.
  4. Nuclear fallout and its effects
  5. Suggest the measures to revitalise Cooperative Movement in India.
  6. Differentiate between a National Park and a Sanctuary.
Day 82 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (20-11-2018)
  1. What is eco-farming ? How it is different from Green revolution farming ? Discuss.
  2. Discuss briefly the subsidiary alliance of Lord Wellesley
  3. Clearly explain in short the salient features of Right to information Act- 2005.
  4. Population Explosion and Family Welfare Programme
  5. Explain the functions of Stock Market.
  6. Describe Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
Day 81 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (19-11-2018)
  1. How does the Western Ghats differ from the Eastern Ghats ?
  2. Throw light on the contribution of Swami Dayanand and Arya Samaj
  3. What do you understand by community based organizations ?
  4. What are the Causes and hazardous effects of Earth Quakes.
  5. Analyze various steps taken by SEBI to strengthen the capital market in India. –
  6. Explain Flood Early Warning System.
Day 80 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (18-11-2018)
  1. Describe the types of rainfall.
  2. Discuss the causes of the First World War in detail.
  3. People’s participation is the basic element of the reality of Democratic Government. Explain.
  4. Give the laboratory method of preparation of hydrogen gas. Describe the isotopes of hydrogen gas. Give the difference and uses of isotopes of hydrogen gas.
  5. Explain the measures taken by government to eliminate inequities in income distribution in India.
  6. Explain the impact of solid waste on our environment and show how it can be managed.
Day 79 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (17-11-2018)
  1. Explain the essential conditions for the development of Iron and Steel Industry and give suitable examples from U.S.A.
  2. Discuss the religious policy of Aurangzeb. What were its consequences ?
  3. Describe the functions of political parties in democracy.
  4. Write names of two important ores of iron and describe its method of extraction giving chemical equations.
  5. There IS downward trend in economic inequality worldwide with a rise in the average education level; Comment.
  6. Write the functions of the following : (i) UNESCO (ii) SCOPE (iii) UNDP
Day 78 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (16-11-2018)
  1. What is Western disturbance ? Describe its impact on India.
  2. What was the effect of British Economic Policies on Indian Economy ? Discuss.
  3. Enumerate some of the adopted suggestions for Electoral Reforms.
  4. What do you mean by polymer and polymerisation ? Give the method of preparation and structure of following: i) Rubber ii) PVC iii) Polythene
  5. Mention the technological factors responsible for low productivity in agriculture in India..’ ;
  6. What are the main objectives of I.M.F.?
Day 77 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (15-11-2018)
  1. Give a short description of Cement Industry.
  2. Write a short note on the city administration system of Patliputra as narrated by Megasthenes
  3. Whal do you understand by Judicial Activism ?
  4. What do you mean by chemical equilibrium ? Describe its characteristics.
  5. What are the objectives of land reforms in India?
  6. What are the main functions of World Bank ?
Day 76 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (14-11-2018)
  1. Vegetation of an area is an index of climate. Discuss.
  2. Throw light on the Chola Village Sabha administration as described in Uttaimerur Inscription.
  3. What are Non-Governmental Organisations ?
  4. How are acidic and basic nature of solutions expressed in specific terms ?
  5. Analyze the prospects of Twelfth Plan in the light of its drivers of growth and growth targets for the plan.
  6. What are the objectives of W.H.O. ?
Day 75 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (13-11-2018)
  1. Explain the convectional rain-fall.
  2. Give a brief description of the Mughal military system.
  3. Write down salient features of the Indian Administrative Service.
  4. Polar satellites and their usefulness
  5. Tell about main reasons of ‘Malnutrition’.
  6. What are the ways the World Trade Organization (WTO) adopts to reduce banners to international trade ?
Day 74 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (12-11-2018)
  1. Discuss the development of painting during the period of Jahangir.
  2. Write down the functions of Union Public Service Commission alongwith Constitutional provisions to safeguard the independence of its members.
  3. Write short note on blood groups.
  4. Write about the structure of W.H.O.
  5. Compare the Subsistence Agriculture and the Commercial Agriculture.
  6. Discuss the battle that took place between Rani Durgavati and the Mughal army
Day 73 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (11-11-2018)
  1. How is finance controlled by the Parliament ? Explain.
  2. Explain energy management
  3. What are the objectives of United Nations Organisation ?
  4. What are the chief factors of rapid population growth in India ?
  5. Discuss in short the impact of Muslim culture on India
  6. Elucidate powers of Comptroller and Auditor General.
Day 72 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (10-11-2018)
  1. What are information and communication technology ? Explain their applications.
  2. What do you understand by ‘Panchsheel’ ?
  3. What are three main functional types of cities of India ? Give examples.
  4. In what way did the Permanent Settlement affect the peasants ? Discuss.
  5. Describe in brief Mendel’s Experiments and law of inheritance
  6. What are the aims of the trade policy of India ?
Day 71 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (09-11-2018)
  1. Write the causes of decline of traditional cottage industries in India.
  2. Describe the cell structure with the help of suitable diagrams and functions of the cell
  3. Write in brief on the achievements of Green Revolution in India.
  4. Write a note on the decline of Indus Valley Civilization.
  5. Throw light on the contribution of Raja Todarmal in the development of Dahsala Settlement
  6. Discuss the nature of the revolt of 1857. Was it a war of independence ?
Day 58 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (27-10-2018)
  1. A recent UN report has highlighted that Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) can cost the Indian economy a whopping Rs. 6.2 trillion during the 2012-2030 period. Discuss the present status of burden of Non-communicable diseases in India. Also, suggest some measures to control the incidence of such diseases and highlight some government’s initiatives in this regard?
  2. “Healthy bicameralism is predicated on the constructive relationship between Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament.” Analyse the contemporary relevance of the statement.
  3. Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?
  4. Critically evaluate the main objectives, nature and outcome of the Bhoodan and Gramdan movements.
  5. Give a detailed account of major distinction between Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic Civilization?
Day 36 DPMQ Click Here for Mains Answer Writing (05-10-2018)

TOD: 1) Be the change you want to see in the world.

2) We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.

3) Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.

FOD: India’s energy consumption per capita is just 806 kwh. For USA the figure is 12,984…..( world bank.. think where it can be used)

India occupies 2.4% of the total world land but population is 17% of the world population.

The national density of doctors was 79.7 per lakh population, of nurses and midwives 61.3 per lakh, and of dentists just 2.4 per lakh.

  1. Why twin deficit is a concern for any economy? Outline the methods adopted by Government of India to deal with twin deficit. ( Economy)
  2. Indian economy is a gamble of Monsoon. In this context explain the mechanism of monsoon? ( Geography)
  3. What is Industrial revolution 4.0? Major components of IR 4.0? What are the advantages for India? ( Science)
  4. 44th Amendment Act 1978, not just reversed the distorted provisions of 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976, but also inserted some safeguards for preventing the gross misuse of power. In the light of above statement, outline the important changes brought through 44th Amendment act. ( Polity)
  5. Why there was the need of an all India organisation which later in came in the form of congress?
  6. Explain the following:

1) Sanskritisation

2) Working capital

3) Caste system

4) Social accounting

DMPQ Archieve Day 1 to 33 Click Here

Daily /RTS Mains Practice Questions- DMPQ is a free for all initiative by Free Notes Team just like daily current affairs program to provide 2 questions from each paper daily to cover the entire syllabus of /RTS Mains for the aspirants.

How is it different from our regular test series program?

  • First of all this program will be free and it's basically a peer group support system where the aspirants themself analyse the ans of others and get mutually benefitted.

How it will work ?

  • The ans could be uploaded or typed in the comment box. It would be beneficial for the /RTS Mains students to write the ans on paper and upload the images in the comment box.
Paper I
  • Posts not found
Paper II
  • Posts not found
Paper III
  • Posts not found
Paper IV
  • Posts not found

FAQs on  CGPCS Mains DMPQ Program- Daily CGPSC Mains answer writting of Chhattisgarh

 What is the CGPSC Mains DMPQ program?

The CGPSC Mains DMPQ (Daily Mains Practice Questions) program is designed to help aspirants prepare for the CGPSC Mains examination by providing daily practice questions and model answers. The program focuses on improving answer writing skills and covering the syllabus systematically.

 How does the DMPQ program work?

The program typically involves the following steps:

  1. Daily Question: A new question is released every day, covering different topics from the CGPSC Mains syllabus.
  2. Answer Submission: Aspirants write and submit their answers within a specified time frame.
  3. Model Answer Evaluation: Model answers are provided for each question, along with expert feedback and evaluation of submitted answers.
  4. Discussion and Analysis: Aspirants can participate in discussions and analysis of answers to learn from others and clarify doubts.

 What are the benefits of the DMPQ program?

The DMPQ program offers several benefits for CGPSC Mains aspirants:

  • Structured Preparation: It provides a structured approach to cover the syllabus systematically.
  • Improved Answer Writing: It helps improve answer writing skills through regular practice and feedback.
  • Time Management: It helps develop time management skills for the Mains exam.
  • Content Enrichment: It enhances knowledge and understanding of various topics through model answers and discussions.
  • Peer Learning: It provides an opportunity to learn from peers and mentors.

Is the DMPQ program sufficient for CGPSC Mains preparation?

The DMPQ program is a valuable tool for CGPSC Mains preparation, but it should be complemented with other resources like:

  • Thorough Syllabus Coverage: Make sure to cover the entire syllabus comprehensively.
  • Standard Reference Books: Refer to standard reference books for in-depth understanding.
  • Current Affairs: Stay updated with current affairs relevant to Chhattisgarh.
  • Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to assess your preparation level and identify areas for improvement.


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