10.08.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh   NTPC seeks advice to surrender 2 coal mines in Chhattisgarh. State-owned NTPC has sought the advice of consultancy arm of Coal India, CMPDIL, to surrender its two coal blocks as the mines were discovered to be economically and technically unviable.   The Banai and Bhalumuda coal blocks in Chhattisgarh are adjacent to each other and facing difficulty in dumping of overburden … Read more


  Civilizations have always flourished near sources of water. Since time immemorial,reservoirs are being constructed for domestic, drinking and irrigation needs. There is a large variationin monsoon pattern. Therefore, storage of water is a prime need of Chhattisgarh. The history of waterstorage in reservoirs in the state goes back to the Kalchuri dynasty of 12th … Read more

Disaster Management

Disaster Management History shows that India is exposed to national disasters. Cyclones, floods, earthquakes, droughts and floods are major threats. About 60 percent of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities, over 40 million hectares is prone to floods and 68 percent of the area is susceptible to drought. This not only results … Read more

Indian Religious Books

  Puranas Divided into sarga, pratisarga, manvantantar, vamsa (genealogical list of kings) & vamsanucharita. 18 main puranas & 18 subsidiary puranas. Vedas Meaning “knowledge”. Rigveda (hymns), Yajurveda (sacrificial formulae), Atharvaveda (magical charms & spell), Samveda. Vedas are called aparusheya (not created by man) & nity Upanishads About 200 in number. Deal with philosophy. Oldest & … Read more

27.04.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Chhattisgarh has made tremendous progress in health, infra: CM Raman Singh   Chhattisgarh has made tremendous progress in the areas of health and road-rail connectivity, Chief Minister Raman Singh.   Singh was responding to Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant’s recent remark that states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are keeping … Read more

vardhan empire

Harsh Vardhan Emperor Harshavardhana, better known as Harsha, lived from 590 to 647 CE and was the third ruler of the Vardhana Empire, the last great empire in ancient India before the Islamic Invasion. He ruled from 606 CE to 647 CE. After Harshavardhana’s death, however, the Vardhana dynasty came to an end and its empire dissolved. India, the land … Read more

Art, Culture, Literature and Architecture

Harappan art 2500 1800 BC

  • Also known as the bronze age
  • Architecture refers to designing of and construction of buildings where are the sculpture is a three-dimensional work of art
  • In architecture ,various types of materials are used that is a stone , wood, glass, metal  etc .where as sculpture is made of single piece of material.
  • Architecture involves study of engineering And Engineering Mathematics and depends upon measurements, where as sculpture involves creativity and imagination , may not depend on measurements.

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The Mauryas : Extent of empire, Kalinga War and its Impact; Asoka’s Dhamma, Foreign Policy, Development of Art & Architecture during the Mauryan period

  Foundation of the Mauryan Empire: The foundation of the Maurya Empire in 321 B.C. by Chandragupta Maurya was a unique event in history. Particularly in view of the fact that it was found shortly after Alexander’s victorious campaigns in North-West India during 327 B.C. – 325 B.C. There is no unanimity with regard to … Read more

Comparative Study of Indian and Western Philosophy- CGPCS Mains

Comparative Study of Indian and Western Philosophy Philosophy is the root of all knowledge. It is considered as mother of all sciences. Philosophy has interpreted man and his various activities in a comprehensive manner. It helps to coordinate the various activities of the individuals and the society. It helps us to understand the significance of … Read more

Important Ancient Terms

Lohit Ayas Copper Syam Ayas Iron Vanik Traders Gramini Village Head Bhagadugha Tax collector Sthapati Chief Judge Takshan Carpenter Niska Unit of currency Satamana Unit of currency Pana Term used for coin Shresthi Guilds Vihara Buddhist Monastery Chaitya Sacred Enclosure Pradeshika Head of district Administration Nagarka City administration Jesthaka Chief of a Guild Prathamakulika Chief … Read more

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