13.07.17 Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh   Chhattisgarh-Odisha, Water dispute over Mahanadi River.   Odisha government has urged the Centre to take immediate steps for setting up a tribunal to resolve the Mahanadi water dispute with nei Though the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) had set up a Negotiation Committee on Mahanadi river for sorting out the disputes between Odisha … Read more

01/07/2017- CGPCS Daily Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh   Amrut mission: Chhattisgarh ranks 4th in achieving target, bags award   For consecutively second year in a row, Chhattisgarh has bagged National Awardfor achieving target under Mission Amrut.   In a programme organized at science building in New Delhi, Union minister of urban development M Venkaiah Naiduawarded an incentive of Rs 25 crore to Chhattisgarh government. … Read more

Animal husbandry

Chhattisgarh is rich in livestock wealth. Livestock sector contributes about 23 percent to the value of agricultural sector output. A majority of the rural households possesses one or another species of livestock. The distribution of livestock holdings is more equitable as compared to land, indicating that the poor have more opportunities in livestock production than … Read more

  Chhattisgarh: Budget

  Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh presented a Rs. 73,996 crore budget for the year 2016-17 in the State Assembly. This is hoped that the GDP of the State would remain at 7.6 per cent in the coming year. Special focus and attention was given to agriculture sector in the budget. Government have provided Rs.540 … Read more

Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion Financial inclusion or inclusive financing is the delivery of financial services at affordable costs to sections of disadvantaged and low-income segments of society, in contrast to financial exclusion where those services are not available or affordable. Government of India has launched an innovative scheme of Jan Dhan Yojna for Financial Inclusion to provide … Read more

Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

The term Sustainable growth became prominent after the World Conservation Strategy Presented in 1980 by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Brundland Report(1987) define sustainable development as the a process which seek to meet the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation … Read more

Planning in India

Planning in India First Plan (1951 – 56) Target Growth : 2.1 % Actual Growth 3.6 % It was based on Harrod-Domar Model. Influx of refugees, severe food shortage & mounting inflation confronted the country at the onset of the first five year Plan. The Plan Focussed on agriculture, price stability, power and transport It … Read more

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