15.05.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Mahanadi row must be ended politically, not legally   The Mahanadi, which is the most important river for Odisha, is an interstate river. The total catchment area of the Mahanadi basin is 141,600 square kilometers, of which 54% is in Chhattisgarh, 46% in Odisha. In the monsoon, the Mahanadi’s discharge is almost the same as that of … Read more

Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting

Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting Roasting It is a process wherein the ore is heated either alone or with some other material in excess of air below the fusion point of the ore. Usually, this method is used for sulphide ores. In roasting, definite chemical changes take place to form oxide or chloride of the metal. … Read more

Preparation of Oxygen

Preparation of Oxygen Oxygen is prepared in lab generally in two ways either by the application of heat or no application of heat. Using heat: Oxygen in lab is prepared by heating the mixture of powdered potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide in the ratio 4:1 in a hard glass test tube. The oxygen gas is … Read more

Respiratory system of human being and mechanism of respiration

Respiratory System Introduction Red blood cells are like trucks that transport cargo on a highway system. Their cargo is oxygen, and the highways are blood vessels. Where do red blood cells pick up their cargo of oxygen? The answer is the lungs. The lungs are organs of the respiratory system. The respiratory system is the … Read more

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