08.03.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Bauxite exploration underway in six c’garh distts: centre   The exploration of bauxite mineral reserves had been going on in Kabirdham, Surguja, Balrampur, Jashpur, Kanker and Kondagaon districts of Chhattisgarh, the Central Government has informed.   The mining activities of major minerals including Bauxite, are regulated as per the provisions contained in Mines and … Read more


Ore An ore is a special type of rock that contains a large enough amount of a particular mineral (usually a metal) to make it economically practical to extract that mineral from the surrounding rock. Not all minerals are found in a large enough amount in one location to make it worth it to remove the ore … Read more

Preparation of Oxygen

Preparation of Oxygen Oxygen is prepared in lab generally in two ways either by the application of heat or no application of heat. Using heat: Oxygen in lab is prepared by heating the mixture of powdered potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide in the ratio 4:1 in a hard glass test tube. The oxygen gas is … Read more

Respiratory system of human being and mechanism of respiration

Respiratory System Introduction Red blood cells are like trucks that transport cargo on a highway system. Their cargo is oxygen, and the highways are blood vessels. Where do red blood cells pick up their cargo of oxygen? The answer is the lungs. The lungs are organs of the respiratory system. The respiratory system is the … Read more

Properties of polyvinyl chloride

Properties of polyvinyl chloride What is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), and What is it Used For? Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is one of the most commonly used thermoplastic polymers in the world (next to only a few more widely used plastics like PET and PP). It is a naturally white and very brittle (prior to the additions of plasticizers) plastic. PVC has been around longer … Read more

Metallurgy of iron

Metallurgy of iron Iron is an important constituent of hemoglobin, which is in blood. Iron is the metal used most widely in industries and hence may be called the king of metals. It is the second most abundant metal after aluminum. Iron does not occur in native state, since it is oxidized easily. Ores of Iron Chemical Name Chemical … Read more

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