Panchayati raj of Chhattisgarh

Panchayati raj of Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh has approximately 9,820 Gram Panchayats at the village level, 146 Janpad Panchayat at the intermediate (block) level and 16 Zila Panchayat at the district level, Additionally, there is the Gram Sabha, which is the basic unit in the Panchayati Raj mechanism. Panchayats have been the backbone of the Indian villages … Read more

Divisions and Districts of Chhattisgarh

Divisions and Districts of Chhattisgarh After Indian Independence, the princely states were merged with the Central Provinces and Berar to form the new state of Madhya Pradesh. Present-day Chhattisgarh comprised seven districts of Madhya Pradesh. The former states of Kanker and Bastar formed the new Bastar District, the parts of Surguja, Korea, and Chang Bhakar … Read more

13-14.05.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Chhattisgarh CM to launch Vikas Yatra   Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh has launched Vikas Yatra from Dantewada.   Addressing the media, the Chief Minister said, “This yatra is to tell people about the development the state has witnessed. We will also work to further increase the growth of the state in coming days. … Read more

Chhattisgarh History -Mock Sample Questions CGPSC Prelims Test Series 2018

What was the ancient name of Chhattisgarh? (A) North Kosala (B) South Kosala (C) East Kosala (D) West Kosala Ans: (B) Which one of the following was not the name of Chhattisgarh? (A) South Kosala (B) Dakshina Kosala (C) Godwana (D) North Kosala Ans: (C) “Chhattisgarh” was termed during whose times– (A) Maratha (B) British … Read more

Education Policy of Chhattisgarh

Education Policy of Chhattisgarh The State of Chhattisgarh formulated and adopted a comprehensive policy on education providing for all round development of the personality of the student population. The main features of this policy relating to school education sector can be stated as follows: Free and compulsory education for children in the age group of … Read more

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