Independence and Partition of India

Mountbatten plan The British government sent a Cabinet Mission to India in March 1946 to negotiate with Indian leaders and agree to the terms of the transfer of power. After difficult negotiations a federal solution was proposed. Despite initial agreement, both sides eventually rejected the plan. An interim government with representatives of all the Indian … Read more

Decline of handicrafts during British period

Decline of handicrafts during British period India’s traditional village economy was characterised by the “blending of agriculture and handicrafts”.  But this internal balance of the village economy had been systematically slaughtered by the British Government. In the process, traditional handicraft industries slipped away, from its pre-eminence and its decline started at the turn of the … Read more

Former Pricely States of Chhattisgarh and Zamindaris

Former Pricely States of Chhattisgarh and Zamindaris Merger of Chhattisgarh States There were 15 Chattisgarh states, the biggest of them being Bastar with an area of 15029 Sq miles (39060 sq. km.) and a population over half a million. The smallest, Sakti had an area of 138 sq. miles and its population was around a … Read more

British Rule in Chhattisgarh

British Rule in Chhattisgarh Brief introduction about the various rulers before the British: Chhattisgarh, a 21st century State, came into being on November 1, 2000. Chhattisgarh is a young and a new state but the reference of this state can be traced in ancient texts, and inscriptions. In ancient times Chhattisgarh was known as DakshinKosala … Read more

Feudatory States in Chhattisgarh

Feudatory States in Chhattisgarh:—- The history of the Chhattisgarh region dates back to about the 4th century ce, when it was known as Southern (or South) Kosala. The name Chhattisgarh, meaning “thirty-six forts,” was formerly applied to the territory of the Haihaya dynasty of Ratanpur, founded about 750. Under British rule the present region of … Read more

Rise of Nationalism

ORIGIN OF NATIONALISM The rise of Nationalism is reflected in the spirit of Renaissance in Europe when freedom from religious restrictions led to the enhancement of national identity. This expression of Nationalism was furthered by the French Revolution. The political changes resulted in the passing of sovereignty from the hands of an absolute monarch to … Read more

Revolt of 1857 in Chattisgarh

Revolt of 1857 in Chattisgarh:— The revolt of 1857 is known by so many names, including the Indian Mutiny, the Sepoy Mutiny, the Revolt of 1857, the Great Rebellion, the Indian Insurrection, and First war of Indian Independence. By the first half of the 19th century, the East India Company had brought major portions of … Read more

Development of Railways, Industrialization, Constitutional Development.

Development of Railway, Industralization and constitutional development during British period   Railway The British created the Indian Railways. They envisioned it, planned it, engineered it and instructed poor Indian laborers how to build it. There is a common misconception that the British “gifted” India the Railways. Nothing could be more wrong. The British did not … Read more

Lokpal and Lok Ayukta

Lokpal and Redressel of Citizens grievances:- Introduction: The central theme of democracy is that the ruler is accountable to the rules of all sorts of activities and policies. This has arisen due to the fact that the modern states are populous. Because of this and other reasons the direct democracy of ancient Greek city-states or … Read more

Quit India Movement

Quit India Movement which took place in the month of August has been one of the most popular mass movements during the freedom struggle of India. With the failure of Cripps Mission the political situation had worsened leaving every individual with full of frustration and disgust. People in total frustration eagerly waited for one such … Read more

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