Unity and universality of religions

Diversity in religious practice is evident in the global community. Various sects, schools, denominations, and factions of religions can be found throughout the world, and being in close proximity to one another necessitates some form of dialogue between separate traditions. Expressions of religious feelings in practical life are not the monolithic. In our daily life … Read more Unity and universality of religions

Effect of aasan and pranayam on human health

Effect of aasan and pranayam on human health The impact of asanas on human body system is expansive and eternal. The muscles, bones, nervous system, respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems of the human body are greatly benefited from regular practice of asanas. All the body systems are coordinated with each other. The body becomes more … Read more Effect of aasan and pranayam on human health

Religious tolerance and Secularism

Secularism India is a multi religious and multi cultural country from its known history.Greatness of our nation is highlighted by the unity in diversity maintained by various sections of Indian society. Secularism in the multi-cultural, multi-lingual and plural society of India a significant role to play in reducing religious conflicts and persecution, upholding human rights … Read more Religious tolerance and Secularism

Comparative Study of Indian and Western Philosophy- CGPCS Mains

Comparative Study of Indian and Western Philosophy Philosophy is the root of all knowledge. It is considered as mother of all sciences. Philosophy has interpreted man and his various activities in a comprehensive manner. It helps to coordinate the various activities of the individuals and the society. It helps us to understand the significance of … Read more Comparative Study of Indian and Western Philosophy- CGPCS Mains

Yoga Philosophy (Yog Darshan), Ashtang yog – Yam, Niyam, Aasan, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi.

Yoga Philosophy (Yog Darshan), Astang Yoga Yoga An AYUSH system of medicine includes Indian systems of medicine and Homeopathy. AYUSH is an acronym for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Sowa Rigpa, and Homoeopathy. Yoga is essentially spiritual and it is an art and science of healthy living which focuses on bringing harmony between … Read more Yoga Philosophy (Yog Darshan), Ashtang yog – Yam, Niyam, Aasan, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi.

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