Right to constitutional Remedies( writs)

Right to constitutional Remedies( writs) Writs under Article 32 of the Constitution A declaration of fundamental rights is meaningless unless there are effective judicial remedies for their enforcement. Article 32 for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights by means of the specified writ of writs of the same nature. The purpose is to ensure observance … Read more

Kingdom of Vijaynagar

Kingdom of Vijaynagar The kingdom of Vijaynagar founded by two brothers, Harihar and Bukka, on the south bank of the River Tungabhadra in 1336 AD. According to the legends, they had been the feudatories of the Kakatiyas of Warangal. Later they became ministers in the kingdom of Kampili. After the destruction of Kampili kingdom by … Read more

Feudatory States in Chhattisgarh

Feudatory States in Chhattisgarh:—- The history of the Chhattisgarh region dates back to about the 4th century ce, when it was known as Southern (or South) Kosala. The name Chhattisgarh, meaning “thirty-six forts,” was formerly applied to the territory of the Haihaya dynasty of Ratanpur, founded about 750. Under British rule the present region of … Read more

Nature of Indian Constitution

Nature of Constitution The Modern State is considered to be a state for the welfare of the people. It is therefore, suggested that it should have a government of a particular form with appropriate powers and functions. The document containing laws and rules which determine and describe the form of the government, the relationship between … Read more

Prominent saints of chattishgarh

Prominent saints of chattishgarh Vallabha Vallabhacharya (1479–1531 CE), also known as Vallabha, was a devotional philosopher, who founded the Krishna-centered Pushti sect of Vaishnavism in the Braj region of India, and the philosophy of Shuddha advaita. Vallabha was born in a Telugu Brahmin family that had been living in Varanasi, who escaped to the Champaran … Read more

Tribal Development : History, Programmes and Policies

Tribal welfare administration, Tribal sub plan and Single line administration in Chhattisgarh The tribal areas of Chhattisgarh though sparsely populated continue to receive special attention of the State Government primarily on account of their strategic location and comparative backwardness. The Tribal Sub Plan was started in 1974-75 in the State and entire tribal population was … Read more

Geological and Physiographic divisions of India

Three Geological divisions: The peninsular block The Himalayas and other Peninsular Mountains Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain   Peninsualar block is made of gneisses (metamorphic) and granites (igneous). Six physiographic divisions: The Northern and North-eastern Mountains The Northern Plain The Peninsular Plateau The Indian Desert The Coastal Plains The Islands Northern and North-Eastern Mountains Approximate length of the … Read more

The issue of Schedule caste / Scheduled Tribe act

Note: READ is our New Initiative to cover two Topics (Weekly) of Current Importance in Detail with Specific focus on Prelims and Mains Exam   The issue of Schedule caste / Scheduled Tribe act In March 2018, the Supreme Court observed that the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act of 1989 has become an instrument to … Read more

Natural Vegetation-Forest types and distribution, wild life, conservation, biosphere reserves

  In India, at present forest areas cover about 76.5 million hectares of land, which is about 23 per cent of the total geographical area. It ranges from about 87 per cent in Andaman & Nicobar Islands to only about 4 percent in Haryana making to range difference of 83 percent. According to our National … Read more

Synopsis of NCERTS

  Introduction Indian national movement: One of the biggest. Inspired many others. Gandhian Political Strategy very important. Elements of Gandhian Strategy can be seen in the Solidarity Movement in Poland by Lech Walesa WHY IS THE INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT UNIQUE In the Indian national movement, the Gramscian perspective of war of position was successfully practiced. … Read more

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