Global Environmental Issues like Green House Effect, Green House Gases and their mitigation.

The Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that insulates the Earth . Incoming solar radiations are absorbed and reemitted back from the Earth’s surface as infrared energy, greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere prevent some of this heat from escaping into space, instead reflecting the energy back to further warm the surface. Human … Read more

01-02.04.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Around 3,500 check dams constructed in state: CM   Chief Minister Raman Singh has appealed to the people to conserve water for saving human and animal lives on the occasion of World Water Day.   On the occasion, the Chief Minister said that saving water and water resources such as rivers, ponds, lakes and … Read more

25.01.18 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Survey of river banks for plantation soon   Recently Chief Secretary had discussions on minor forest produce procurement, afforestation, wild life conservation, bonus to tendu patta collectors, herbal processing and several other issues.   The Chief Secretary called upon the officials to conduct a survey of the river banks for conducting plantations.   He … Read more

History of modern chattishgarh after independence

History of modern chattishgarh after independence The demand for a separate Chhattisgarh state was first raised in the early twenties. Similar demands kept cropping up at regular intervals; however, a well-organised movement was never launched. Several efforts were made by individuals and organizations towards highlighting the Chhattisgarh identity and expressing the sense of perceived marginalisation. … Read more

Development Administration

Development is the end result of Public Administration. The paradigm of development is depending on the nature of government and its policies. It may be ideologically driven or ethically motivated. It strips off the orthodox structuralism of public administration as put forward by classical Administrative theorists and attempts to cater the emerging need of a … Read more

The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship and main features

Indus Valley Civilization   Indus Valley Civilization was the first major civilization in south Asia, which spread across a vast area of land in present day India and Pakistan (around 12 lakh The time period of mature Indus Valley Civilization is estimated between BC. 2700- BC.1900 i.e. for 800 years. But early Indus Valley Civilization had … Read more

17.05.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Chhattisgarh announces 50k subsidy on e-rickshaw   Chief Minister Raman Singh on Sunday announced subsidy up to Rs 50,000 on purchase of e-rickshaw in state, through Lbaour Department.   Earlier Swarna Jayanti Rozgar Yojana was conducted for livelihood and self-employment in which participation of men and women were equal. Now it has been named … Read more

Human digestive system and digestive process

Digestive System Introduction The respiratory and circulatory systems work together to provide cells with the oxygen they need for cellular respiration. Cells also need glucose for cellular respiration. Glucose is a simple sugar that comes from the food we eat. To get glucose from food, digestion must occur. This process is carried out by the … Read more

The Environment (Protection) Act (1986)

The Environment Protection Act is an important legislation that provides for coordination of activities of the various regulatory agencies, creation of authorities with adequate powers for environmental protection, regulation of the discharge of environmental pollutants, handling of hazardous substances, etc. The Act provided an opportunity to extend legal protection to non-forest habitats (‘Ecologically Sensitive Areas’) … Read more

Lok Adalats and Legal Awareness Campaign

LOK ADALATS Lok stands for People and the word Adalat means Court. Lok Adalat is a special kind of people’s court in which disputes solved by direct talks between the litigants. The members of legal profession, college students, social organisations, charitable and philanthropic institutions and other similar organisations may be associated with Lok Adalat. Salient … Read more

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