Archaeological sites of Chattishgarh

Archaeological sites of Chattishgarh Malhar Malhar is a small town situated in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh, India. It has archaeological significance. It is 40 km away from Bilaspur by road. In Malhar, many ancient temples have been found, such as the Pataleshwar temple, the Devri temple & the Dindeshwari temple. Ancient deposits and Jain memorials … Read more

15.02.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH 10 c’garh districts in niti aayog’s five-yr dev plan   A total of 10 districts of Chhattisgarh have been selected by NITI Aayog for its five-year plan (2018-22) among 115 districts in the country.   This information was given by Additional Chief Secretary, Economics and Statistics Department Sunil Kujur at a meeting chaired by … Read more

Bharat Nirman Yojna, MNREGA

Bharat Nirman is a time-bound business plan for action in rural infrastructureThe basic geographical structure of population distribution will change once India shifts from being agriculture based country to industry based nation. The Government has launched “Bharat Nirman” for the development of rural infrastructure. Plans proposed for the development of India Rural Infrastructure are – … Read more

24-25 .12.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH CM launches ‘prerna’ notebook for students of ashram schools   The notebook is published by the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes Development Department for the students of Ashram schools and hostels. The life and times of Veerangana Rani Durgawati, revolutionary Birsa Munda, Amar Shaheed Gendh Singh, great social reformer Guru Baba Ghasidas, Amar Shaheed … Read more

Union Public Service Commissions

Union Public Service Commissions Public Service Commissions for the Union as per Article-315 Subject to the provisions of this article, there shall be a Public Service Commission for the Union Any such law as aforesaid may contain such incidental and consequential provisions as may be necessary or desirable for giving effect to the purposes of … Read more

Development of Railways, Industrialization, Constitutional Development.

Development of Railway, Industralization and constitutional development during British period   Railway The British created the Indian Railways. They envisioned it, planned it, engineered it and instructed poor Indian laborers how to build it. There is a common misconception that the British “gifted” India the Railways. Nothing could be more wrong. The British did not … Read more

Lokpal and Lok Ayukta

Lokpal and Redressel of Citizens grievances:- Introduction: The central theme of democracy is that the ruler is accountable to the rules of all sorts of activities and policies. This has arisen due to the fact that the modern states are populous. Because of this and other reasons the direct democracy of ancient Greek city-states or … Read more

Administrative System of Chhattisgarh

Administrative System of Chhattisgarh The head of state of Chhattisgarh is the Governor, appointed by the President of India on the advice of the Central government. His or her post is largely ceremonial. The Chief Minister is the head of government and is vested with most of the executive powers. Raipur is the capital of … Read more

Budgetary deficit – Revenue, Primary and Fiscal.

Budgetary Deficit is the difference between all receipts and expenditure of the government, both revenue and capital. This difference is met by the net addition of the treasury bills issued by the RBI and drawing down of cash balances kept with the RBI. The budgetary deficit was called deficit financing by the government of India. … Read more

Planning commission and national development council

Planning commission and national development council Planning commission The Planning Commission was an institution in the Government of India, which formulated India’s Five-Year Plans, among other functions. Background Rudimentary economic planning, deriving from the sovereign authority of the state, was first initiated in India in 1938 by Congress President and Indian National Army supreme leader … Read more

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