Chhattisgarh: Changes in the sectoral distribution of income and employment

Chhattisgarh: changes in the sectoral distribution of income and employment The primary sector, more specifically agriculture and allied activities, forms the base of the State’s economy and provides livelihood to 80 percent of the rural population. The rural economy has a diversified base with agriculture and allied activities as the mainstay, accompanied by a thriving … Read more

Administrative Reforms

Why is Administrative Reforms needed? Technological change Advances in industrialisation Growth in the number and complexity of governmental activities Changes in social, political and economic spheres of life All above have created extraordinary strains on the traditional machinery of the government Obsolescence of institutions, roles, procedures and processes in the government What are ways through … Read more

Economic reforms in india

Economic reforms in india New Industrial Policy Under Industrial Policy, keeping in view the priorities of the country and its economic development, the roles of the public and private sectors are clearly decided. Under the New Industrial Policy, the industries have been freed to a large extent from the licenses and other controls. In order … Read more

Structural changes in the Indian Economy ( GDP and work force)

Structural changes in the Indian Economy Change in composition of domestic product or change in national income by industry of origin refers to change in relative significance (share) of different sectors of the economy. Generally, an economy is divided into three major sectors viz. primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Primary sector includes agricultural and allied … Read more

Bharat Nirman Yojna, MNREGA

Bharat Nirman is a time-bound business plan for action in rural infrastructureThe basic geographical structure of population distribution will change once India shifts from being agriculture based country to industry based nation. The Government has launched “Bharat Nirman” for the development of rural infrastructure. Plans proposed for the development of India Rural Infrastructure are – … Read more

Properties of teflon

Properties of teflon Polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE (more commonly known as Teflon) is a particularly versatile ivory-white and opaque plastic fluoropolymer; it is made by the free-radical polymerisation of many tetrafluoroethene molecules, and is suitable for a wide range of applications in industries as diverse as aerospace, the food and drink industry, pharmaceuticals and telecoms. Produced by … Read more

Development of Railways, Industrialization, Constitutional Development.

Development of Railway, Industralization and constitutional development during British period   Railway The British created the Indian Railways. They envisioned it, planned it, engineered it and instructed poor Indian laborers how to build it. There is a common misconception that the British “gifted” India the Railways. Nothing could be more wrong. The British did not … Read more

Biodiversity-Definition, types, importance, hotspots, threats and conservation

Biodiversity-Definition, types, importance, hotspots, threats and conservation The term biodiversity was coined as a contraction of biological diversity by E.O. Wilson in 1985. Biodiversity may be defined as the variety and variability of living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they exist. In other words, biodiversity is the occurrence of different types of ecosystems, … Read more

05.04.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH   Govt starts survey to link rivers   The Chhattisgarh Government has commenced survey work for river inter-linking projects in the State, officials informed.   The Government has approved Rs 36.55 crore as the budget  for taking up the survey work for three projects during financial year 2018-19.   A total of five river … Read more

28.02.18 (CGPCS) Chhattisgarh Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH Govt gears up for aggressive bharatnet phase-ii implementation   The Chhattisgarh Government is gearing up for aggressive implementation of the second phase of BharatNet project in the State, officials informed.   It will soon hire a Project Support Consultant for implementation of the BharatNet Phase-II project , they informed.   Notably, the Chhattisgarh Infotech … Read more

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